Category Archives: Research Papers

ECE3312 Practice Exam 1

ECE3312 Practice Exam 1

1. A silicon sample at room temperature has an intrinsic carrier concentration of ni = 5×109
. It is doped with ND = 6.1×1016 arsenic atoms/cm3 and NA = 6×1012 boron atoms/cm3
. The electron mobility is measured as μn = 1600 cm2/V·s and the hole mobility is μp = 480 cm2/V·s.
Is this material p or n-type?
What is the hole concentration?
If an external electrical field of E =90V/cm is applied across this silicon sample, what is
the electron current density in this material?



Design and implementation cybersecurity based signcryption technique to increase the data confidentiality and integrity level in a distributed database system

Design and implementation cybersecurity based signcryption technique to increase the data confidentiality and integrity level in a distributed database system.



Infotech import in strat plan

Industry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years. Pick an industry you feel will be most affected by blockchain and how blockchain may be used in that industry. As an IT manager, how would you embrace blockchain? For instance, how would training occur for your team, what strategies might you use, what security methods may you recommend be used?



Just-in-time (JIT) philosophy

Write a five-page (1,250 – 1,500 words) double-spaced essay (not including cover page and references pages), in which you address the following eight objectives:

– Explain the core beliefs of the just-in-time (JIT) philosophy
– Describe the elements of JIT
– Explain the key elements of JIT manufacturing
– Explain the elements of total quality management (TGM) and their role in JIT
– Describe the role of people in JIT and why respect for people is so important
– Describe the benefits of JIT
– Discuss the implementation process of a successful JIT system
– Describe the impact of JIT on service and manufacturing organizations



You should be vegetarian. Every time you eat meat, your meal is the result of the suffering and death of an animal. Besides, its disgusting to put a piece of dead animals’s carcass into your mouth and chew it. There is plenty of great vegetarian food, including tasty meat alternatives. Also vegetarianism is healthier than eating meat. One more reason to be a vegetarian is that you’d be joining the company of a long list of incredible people, from Leonardo da Vinci, Issac Newton, and Thomas Edison to Paul McCartney, Shania Twain, and Tobey Maguire. Why is the following argument flawed? Having so disgracefully allowed her once-proud passenger railroads to fade into obscurity, America is honor bound to restore them now!

You should be vegetarian. Every time you eat meat, your meal is the result of the suffering and death of an animal. Besides, its disgusting to put a piece of dead animals’s carcass into your mouth and chew it. There is plenty of great vegetarian food, including tasty meat alternatives. Also vegetarianism is healthier than eating meat. One more reason to be a vegetarian is that you’d be joining the company of a long list of incredible people, from Leonardo da Vinci, Issac Newton, and Thomas Edison to Paul McCartney, Shania Twain, and Tobey Maguire.

Why is the following argument flawed? Having so disgracefully allowed her once-proud passenger railroads to fade into obscurity, America is honor bound to restore them now!



Application Security

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.



List the type of constraints to leisure felt by members of certain diverse populations.

1 page paper on answering the sentence posted below

List the type of constraints to leisure felt by members of certain diverse populations.





What diseases are the top causes of death (COD) in the different regions world today?
What is the mortality rate from these CODs.



Annotated Bibliography

Topic: Job satisfaction has a positive/negative effect on mental health

Thesis Statement: Having a career that is not up to your standard will have a negative effect on your mental health.


  1. Review the resources for this assignment. It’s expected that you use the information from these documents to complete the assignment.

  2. Download and review the Annotated Bibliography worksheet and the example.

  3. Review the rubric.

  4. Complete the 5 tables on the worksheet using 5 scholarly sources.

  5. Make sure you are answering each question from the directions sheet thoroughly–the example illustrates the expected level of critical thinking.



Microeconomic. Theory

3. Suppose Alia consumes only melange (M) and water (W), and her utility function is UA(M,W)=M2
The price of melange is P, and the price of water is 1. Alia’s income is 100. In this problem, you will
find Alia’s utility maximizing combination of melange and water. (Note: some of your answers in this
problem may be functions of P.)
a. Write down Alia’s budget constraint. (3 points)
b. Find Alia’s marginal utility of melange. (2 points)
c. Find Alia’s marginal utility of water. (2 points)
d. Find Alia’s marginal rate of substitution. (2 points)
e. What is the slope of Alia’s budget constraint? (2 points)
f. For Alia to be maximizing utility, what relationship must hold between her MRS and the
slope of her budget constraint? Write down this relationship in the form of an equation,
using your answers from parts (d) and (e). (3 points)
g. Using the equation from part (f) and the budget constraint from part (a), find Alia’s utility
maximizing bundle. (6 points)

h. Suppose P=1. What bundle will Alia consume? In the space below or the back of the page,
graph Alia’s budget constraint and utility-maximizing bundle. (2 points)
i. Suppose P=2. What bundle will Alia consume? On the same graph from part (h), draw Alia’s
new budget constraint and utility-maximizing bundle. (2 points)
j. Suppose P=3. What bundle will Alia consume? On the same graph from part (h), draw Alia’s
new budget constraint and utility-maximizing bundle. (2 points)
k. On the same graph from parts (h) and (i), sketch Alia’s price offer curve. (4 points)


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