Category Archives: Research Papers

BCO128–Advertising, Media and Branding

BCO128–Advertising, Media and Branding

• Select 2 printed ads (billboards, ads in magazines or newspaper…) of your brand from 2 different countries analyze the differences from the message
point of view, do you see cultural/ ethical differences?
• Your company is relaunching an existing product in the market. Which media mix do you suggest? At least 3 different media and remember to justify the

DETAILED20200918203533advertising__media___branding ASSIGNMENT


Summary from the following news article and outline article.

You may write a short summary of any news article broadly relating to the course topic of “Business Data Communications”.

For more specific topics or keywords, look at the textbook’s table of contents, chapter and sub-chapter headings, or the book’s glossary. News sources include newspapers, magazines and professional journals in print and on the web. Journals that focus on Business and Information Technology, available through the University Library Web Site, are a quick and rich source of material and may be more unique and interesting than stories found on mainstream media websites or through Google searches.

Scope: 200 words, about one paragraph or 1/3 of a page.

Sample Outline for Article Summaries:

  • What is new
  • What you find most interesting
  • What are possible implications of this news

Some websites of interest to you, especially helpful for your news article summaries include: – new gadgets and technology news – – tech news – – tech news – deep tech news – – Apple focused tech news – – tech that matters –

Engadget – future focused tech –



“French Resistance – The Right to Self-Defense” by Charles de Gaulle

Read “French Resistance – The Right to Self-Defense” by Charles de Gaulle and summarize the author’s argument without context with the Toulmin Method and analyze his effectiveness in a 2-page paper.

Remember, this is analysis of regular rhetorical strategies, so it will be very similar to the first 2-page paper on Benatar. My notes that I gave you on that one will be helpful to review in preparing for this one. Remember also that the point of this paper is analysis, not summary. Obviously summary is required, but only enough to then analyze what you’ve just summarized.

As toward the format, you’ll probably want an introductory paragraph with the author’s name (Charles De Gaulle), the pamphlet’s title (“The Right to Self-Defense”), the author’s Main Claim (that the French have a right to defend themselves against their German occupiers), and whether or not you will find it effective.

There should be about two or three body paragraphs, and these body paragraphs will look at two or three Reasonings the author has to support his Main Claim. Summarize the Reasonings, quote where you find them (and cite it), then analyze the effectiveness of the rhetorical strategies being used to make those Reasonings. Remember that it is not enough to simply claim that the strategies are effective or ineffective and then move on. You have to prove to me that the specific use of the rhetorical strategy you are analyzing is either effective or ineffective to the average reader. Your paper will be graded on your ability to convince your reader of the author’s effectiveness or ineffectiveness (and your Grammatical correctness, obviously). For now, avoid any context on the reading or the author, as we’ll add that later in another paper. Analyze the argument in a vacuum of context. (You’ll like Charles de Gaulle, though. He’s awesome.)

You will also want a conclusion paragraph which adds no new information to your analysis, but rather summarizes your body paragraphs and restates your Main Claim about the author’s effectiveness or ineffectiveness.



BCO127 Applied Management Statistics

Determine the relationship between advertising and sales. (35 points)
a. Plot a Scatter plot of the data (sales vs advertising). Interpret the plot?
b. Calculate the linear regression equation that best fits the data and explains the independent and dependent variables. (TIP: dependent variable =
Sales; independent variables = Advertising & Number of Employees).
c. Calculate the correlation coefficient and interpret the result.
d. Estimate the sales for the 21st year of business if advertising is 90 and the number of employees as 50.
e. Estimate the sales for the 22nd year of business if advertising is 100 and the number of employees as 55.
f. Interpret the Goodness of Fit measure for the regression model provided in (a.).



Mozart Requiem Sir Colin Davis 2004 look up this video on you tube and write a paper about it in musical terms (Yes, you have to listen to the whole concert but you don’t have to necessarily write about every detail. Just choose a few areas that stuck out and go from there. When talking about a section of music try to use as much detail as possible. The following bullets are materials that you might want to include in your report. You do not have to include every detail. Just include things that you think are important. Try not to write in generalities. Things you might want to include (optional): Name of the concert or event Name of the performers Date the concert took place or was recorded Specific titles of works What instruments did you hear? How were people dressed (Audience and performers) Information from the program about the works Historical information that you researched about the works or composer (always cite anything you use that is not your property) Your impressions of different works or movements of works. Include musical terms if possible. If not tell me what it reminds you of. Audience response (if any) Summary of your experience and if you would recommend this performance to others.



Altered Physiology Case Study analysis

In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify cell, gene, and/or process elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health.



The Internet’s Evolution and Affect on Communication

The Internet’s Evolution and Affect on Communication

  • Discuss the history and uses of the Internet in workplace communications.
  • Recognize the effects of new technology on society and on business activities.


The Internet has drastically changed the world of business and marketing. Consumers have embraced the Internet to conduct their business and shopping transactions. While the Internet may have started as a communication technology, it has become the world of business for commercial transactions. Companies have developed e-business and creative online value propositions to engage customers. Customers gain value through rich content, customization, Internet communities, convenience, choice, and cost-reduction. However, not all consumers shop on the Internet, and thus businesses still need to consider non-digital selling and marketing strategies.



As businesses consider their approach to e-commerce and e-business, the benefits are increased revenue based on the larger customer base and encouraging repeat purchases from loyal customers. The company can also improve profitability through cost reductions in staffing, materials, and transportation costs. On the other hand, some businesses may not see as much benefit from offering their services or products over the Internet. For example, if the company does not have products to sell but delivers a service locally instead, such as a plumber, they may not see the value of a strong Internet presence. Still, all businesses today need to have some visibility online.

E-commerce involves online shopping, basically retailing, although manufacturers and distributors also engage in e-commerce. E-business is a broader term that encompasses the technology that business uses (such as interactions with external suppliers) and the electronic processes and procedures. E-commerce has a direct interaction with the consumer and the sale of products or services. Yet almost every business needs to engage in e-business and ensure that they have a visible presence online.

Consumers now search for information and reviews on service-oriented businesses. They also want to compare pricing, as well as understanding the services that a business has to offer. This may create challenges for small businesses that do not have the expertise to build websites.

However, businesses can leverage the use of social media to reach clients. It does not take much expertise to put a business onto Facebook. One of the advantages of using social media is the ability to tell the story of the business and become a part of the local community. Plus, it becomes much easier to reach local consumers.

What businesses have to remember is that marketing is no longer a one-way street. While businesses can utilize digital strategies to deliver messages, the real benefit to consumers from e-business is the ability to interact with other consumers, search for information, compare costs, and compare value.

No matter how a business decides to create an online presence, it needs to ensure that enough customers see the messages. This is known as impressions. Similar to market share, an impression share (primarily used in Google Ads) is the percentage of impressions that the company receives when compared to all impressions offering the same product or service.

Marketers need to deliver the brand message consistently across all digital platforms (and non-digital as well) as they launch products and engage with customers. The marketing plan is based on the analysis of the external business environment; however, marketers need to remember that the Internet enables them to micro-segment their target market based on consumer behaviors and business trends. Branding, identity, and images all need to align as companies differentiate their products.

Resources and References

Juneja, P. (n.d.). Basic understanding of e-commerce. MSG Management Study Guide. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Smith, K. (2018, January 2nd). 15 reasons why marketing through social media is a must for every small business. Lyfe Marketing. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)


Describe the evolution of Internet use for communication and marketing. What changes do you see in terms of accountability for communication?

For your peer response, discuss how technology may continue impacting how we are held accountable in terms of communication.

For your citation, you might use articles that show examples of accountability in communication. You can also find articles from experts that suggest how to hold ourselves and each other accountable as it relates to communication.

Your initial and reply posts should work to develop a group understanding of this topic. Challenge each other. Build on each other. Always be respectful but discuss this and figure it out together.


You must submit:

  • 1 main post of 550+ words with 1 in-text citation and reference (follow the Institution Writing Guidelines)

Responses can be addressed to both your initial thread and other threads but must be:

  • Unique (no repeating something you already said)
  • Substantial in nature, which means there has to be some meat to the reply, not something like: “Good job, Rasha, your post is excellent.” A substantial post will do one of the following:
    1. Extend the conversation deeper,
    2. Challenge the post being responded to, or
    3. Take the conversation in a career-relevant tangent



Financial Econometrics (R Studio)

  1. Provide a short description for the concepts addressed in the following questions:

(a.) Why study an asset return and not its price?

(b.) Let  denote the daily log return of an asset. Describe a procedure for testing the existence of serial correlations in .

(c.) What is a white noise process?

(d.) Describe a nice feature and a drawback of using ARCH model to modeling asset volatility.

(e.) What is a stationary time series? What is a non-stationary process?

(f.) Describe the different steps involved in performing a GARCH analysis.

  1. Consider the return time series for the DJIA index.

(a.) Download the DJIA data from Yahoo! Finance using quantmod (the index ticker is ^DJI) from 1991-01-01 to 2018-12-31 and calculate the daily return time series.

(b.) Write down the AR model for the series. Remove insignificant coefficient estimates (based

on t-ratio in absolute value of 1.645). Provide model checking to confirm that the model is adequate.

(c.) Use the fitted model to obtain 1-step to 5-step ahead predictions series (forecast origin is the last data point). Also, compute the corresponding 95% interval forecasts.

(d.). Does the series exhibit GARCH effects? If yes, why?

(e.) Provide the volatility equation and perform model checking. Consider both a normal innovation and a Student-t innovation.

(f.) Write the full model for the series.



Imagine that you are doing a presentation for a group of students who have just arrived in Canada.

  • In 700-750 words, write your presentation in this particular document only. You should use this word document only!

Your presentation topic: It is your graduation ceremony at Pacific Link College (PLC), and you are chosen to do a 10-15 minutes presentation. Imagine that you are doing a presentation for a group of students who have just arrived in Canada. As an immigrant, you are going to share your story with them in a presentation format. As a successful student, you are going to talk about your success story and tell them how you managed to be successful at PLC and ultimately in your workplace. (Imagine that you just graduated from PLC 10 minutes ago and these new immigrant students have attended your graduation ceremony).



Describing the Product

Describe for your audience what it is that you wish to bring to market. Describe the product, its functionality, and how it works. It is important to remember that a product is anything that can be offered to a market for use or consumption that will satisfy a need or want in that marketplace. Write a paper addressing your product that includes:

  • A detailed description of what your product and how it will work.

  • What specific features and benefits your product provides to the intended target market.

  • A description of the aesthetics, packaging, labelling, or look, of your product.

Ensure that you have adequately described your product so that by the time your product description is written, the reader understands what you want to bring to market.



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