Category Archives: Research Papers

SCI2234 online

Watch the following video and answer the questions: (Links to an external site.)
1) What is smog?
2) What is PM 2.5? Please specify its size in micron. If the diameter of a human hair is about 75 microns, compare the size of the human hair to PM 2.5. Why is it particularly harmful?
3) What are the three groups of people most vulnerable to smog effects?
4) Other than the recommendations in the video (i.e. carpool, ride a bus or light rail, walk or bike to work), can you think of something that you can do to contribute to cleaner air?



Legal Environment of Business

Question Description


1. According the course textbook, define property.

2. According the course textbook, define real property.

3. According the course textbook, define deed.

4. According the course textbook, define quitclaim deed.



Identify a computer system you have recently had experience with and prepare an attach a PowerPoint presentation (8-10 slides) describing a potential computer security problem related to that system.

Identify a computer system you have recently had experience with and prepare an attach a PowerPoint presentation (8-10 slides) describing a potential computer security problem related to that system.

  • Begin with an description of the organization and the computer system you have chosen.

  • Where necessary, you may make assumptions about any specifics–please note these as such in your presentation notes.

  • Draw from the assigned readings (and independent research) to identify what topics should be included.

  • If you feel that slide information is not self-explanatory, add additional details in the presentation notes.



Eugenics and the eugenics movement

Question Description


Watch the following video on Eugenics and research the eugenics movement. Choose at least one topic to comment on:

  1. If we could eradicate disabilities should we?

  2. What moral implications does Eugenics pose?

  3. What ethical implications does Eugenics pose?

  4. Who decides what normal is? In the 1920 and 30s promiscuity was deemed a reason for sterilization…

  5. Read the post comments and comment on whether in today’s climate this could happen again.



What is leadership assignment

    1. Based on the assessment you completed above, what is your leadership style? Do you agree with this assessment? Why or Why not? (1 points)

    2. Read This: Leadership-Styles-Assessment.pdf

      1. Based on this list, what type of leader do you think you are? What characteristics of this leadership style are considered effective or positive? (.5 point)

      2. What characteristics of this leadership style are considered not very effective or negative? (.5 point)

    3. Why is it important to know and understand your leadership style? Why is it important to know and understand the leadership style of your manager/supervisor? (1 point)

    4. Review the video at the beginning of this module. What leadership style do you think the “1st follower” uses? (.5 point)

    5. Tell me your thoughts about “Servant Leadership.” How and where would this leadership style be most effective? Give an example of a servant leader. (1 point)

    6. Leadership Theory – review the leadership theory section of the module. Tell me which of the following leadership theories best supports your leadership style. In your explanation, tell me how/why you selected this leadership theory. ( 1.5 point):

      1. Great Man

      2. Trait

      3. Behavioral

      4. Participative

      5. Relationship

      6. Management

      7. Situational

      8. Contingency



MCB 252 Bradford assay Data analysis

Data Analysis (100 points total):

A) Presentation of Data/Results (20 points total)

  • Include all actual raw data sets from your experiment. Examples include charts, graphs, gel pictures, blots, and/or fluorescence images. Properly label all data sets. (20 points)

Make sure to title each piece of data and include proper labels or identification keys.

Your 20 points for data sets will be graded as follows:

  • 16-20 pts. – All results are presented, clearly labeled, and separated into sub-areas with detailed and accurate data. It may include charts, graphs and/or images.
  • 11-15 pts. – All results are presented, clearly labeled and separated with few data inaccuracies. It may include charts, graphs and/or images.
  • 6-10 pts. – Most results are presented, haphazardly labeled with several inaccuracies.
  • 1-5 pts. – Some results are presented, unlabeled with a poor quality appearance.
  • 0 pts. – The results are missing.

B) Explanation of Data/Results (30 points total)

  • Text description of obtained results. (15 points total)

    • Explain how you generated your standard curve. (5 points)

    • Explain how your calculated your dilution factors. (5 points)

    • Explain how you calculated your sample protein concentration. (5 points)

  • Description of obtained results vs. expected results. (3 points)

  • Explanation of obtained results. Why did you get these results? Use scientific reasons to explain all of your data. (10 points)

  • How would you improve your protocol if you repeated your experiment? (2 points)

C) Discussion (40 points total)

  • What was the goal of this experiment? (5 points)

  • Write a brief summary supporting or refuting your hypothesis from your protocol. (10 points)

  • What controls were used in the experiment? (2 points) Did the controls work? Explain. (3 points)

  • Write a brief summary about what you can conclude from the data/results. (15 points)

  • Briefly describe your next experiment and the questions that it will answer about your protein sample. (5 points)

Your 15 points for your discussion summary will be graded as follows:

  • 14-15 pts. – All results are clearly interpreted, hypotheses are made and evaluated for the obtained results and their deviation from the “expected” results, if necessary; all experimental questions are answered thoughtfully and completely. Overall, the writing is concise, complete and of outstanding quality grammatically. There is a good synthesis of the experiment and the results, particularly in the scope of a larger context.
  • 11-13 pts. – All results are clearly interpreted, hypotheses are made and evaluated for the obtained results and their deviation from the “expected” results, if necessary; all experimental questions are answered thoughtfully and completely. Overall, the writing is concise, complete and of high quality grammatically. The synthesis of the experiment and the results are limited to the context of the experiment.
  • 8-10 pts. – Most results are addressed, though hypotheses for unexpected results are weak and not fully explored; experimental questions are not answered with well-formulated or complete answers. The writing is not concise or complete and is of good quality.
  • 6-9 pts. – Most results are addressed; hypotheses for unexpected results are missing; experimental questions are not adequately answered. The writing is of fair quality. The synthesis of the experiment is limited to the experiment.
  • 3-5 pts. – Some results are addresses; hypotheses for unexpected results are missing; experimental questions are not answered. The writing is of poor quality. Synthesizing thoughts about the experiment and its context are absent.
  • 1-2 pts. – Results are acknowledged; hypotheses are missing; experimental questions are unanswered. The writing is of poor quality and synthesizing thoughts are missing.
  • 0 pts. – The results are missing.




By most economic measures, the U.S is still a relatively rich country, however, there are many people here who live well below the poverty line and cannot afford basic healthcare.

One of the areas in which the U.S. is lacking is basic health care. Economists have debated over the years if we should consider socialized health care or some hybrid of it.

Your discussion this week is:

Has the time come to consider socialized health care or some hybrid, why or why not?

You are required to make three postings for this discussion. Your initial post should be at least 300 words and due by Wednesday, your two subsequent posts (responses to your classmates) should be at least 200 words each and due before the discussion closes. The word requirement guidelines will be strictly enforced and you are required to submit a WORD COUNT with each posting (In past semesters, I had a handful of students who posted a few lines and expected to get the same grades as those who make postings with significant content).

Because you are not subject matter experts, you are required to do some basic research on this topic and use/cite at least two academic sources(not including your text book or websites such as, Wikipedia, ProCon websites,, articles/websites with unknown authors, you can only use sources with reputable authors when constructing your initial post). You are required to use in text citations along with a WORKS CITED at the end of your document. The most important reasons to employ a citation style such as the APA method is to ensure you are giving due credit to others for the ideas that you are using as a basis for your essay. Any ideas or research you incorporate that is not your own must be cited, otherwise you risk being accused of plagiarism.You are required to use in text citations along with a WORKS CITED at the end of your document.



Unit 5 DB: Analyzing an Advertisement for the Appeals

  • Find an advertisement online, either a video or print, to analyze. Pick an ad that you are interested in reviewing and be sure that it is academically appropriate.

  • Then write a short, three (3) paragraph analysis on how the advertisement uses the rhetorical appeals. How are ethos, pathos, and logos used in the advertisement? Please make sure to review the reading this week that focuses on the three rhetorical appeals. Each paragraph in your discussion board should focus on a different appeal.

  • Finally, post a link to the advertisement at the end of your discussion board so that the class can take a look at it.




​Resume and Application Letter application letter (40 points)


b.a resume (60 points)


1.Make a brainstormed list of your marketable job skills. To do this, first concentrate on the specialized kinds of skills you learned in your major or on your job (for example, giving injections, fingerprinting, preparing specialized menus, keeping a ledger book, operating a computer, learning a computer language). List as many of these skills as you can think of, then organize them into three or four separate categories that reflect your major abilities.

2.Translate the list of skills into a number of selling clauses, each introduced with a strong action verb.

3.Find an ad in the newspaper or online for a job that interests you.

4.Write a letter of application for the job in the ad.

5.Write a resume to accompany the letter.



Identify each state court which has personal jurisdiction to hear Eve’s case. Explain why the court or courts that you have identified have personal jurisdiction in Eve’s case.

Eve is walking to work along a sidewalk next to a road. A National Distribution Company (NDC) truck driving on that road strikes and injures Eve, causing her injuries that result in more than $250,000 in medical expenses. Eve is a resident of Oregon, where the accident occurred. NDC has its principal place of business, and is incorporated, in Virginia.

(a) Identify each state court which has personal jurisdiction to hear Eve’s case. Explain why the court or courts that you have identified have personal jurisdiction in Eve’s case.

(b) Discuss whether any federal courts have jurisdiction to hear Eve’s case. Include in your discussion a summary of all of the types of cases in which federal courts have jurisdiction and explain why the federal court or courts you have identified have jurisdiction in Eve’s case.



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