Category Archives: Research Papers

Business seminar: Science of Habits, Describe a social or public policy issue you are interested in.

Describe a social or public policy issue you are interested in. How is this issue currently being addressed? Make recommendations about how the issue might be addressed more effectively. Some examples of a potential research topic would include: disaster relief, youth smoking, drunk driving, encouraging volunteerism.



Visual communication concepts

This project allows you to demonstrate your mastery of visual communication concepts.


You are newly appointed to the communication team for a reputable philanthropic organization. The current task is for your team to create a global campaign that visually conveys a social message both here in the United States, as well as globally. This visual campaign message will use strategic visual communication to appeal to these differing audiences to reduce and potentially eliminate racial prejudice. Your visual communication campaign will be directed toward audiences from both the United States and another country of your choice.

The board of directors has asked you to assemble four video presentations and one instructional document to submit for their review. They have asked that the total video presentations’ length be under three minutes, and that you present visual examples while verbally explaining the main points of the analysis. You are reminded that four separate links need to be submitted for their review, along with your instructional document for the communication team.

Visual Campaign Elements:

  1. Create two ideas for promotional documents (flyers, pamphlets, etc.) to appeal to both your targeted U.S. viewers and to your targeted viewers from the other global country of your choice.
    Both of these documents should strategically utilize the following visual communication elements:

    1. color
    2. lines
    3. balance
    4. contrast

    Create your video presentation for the board members clearly explaining how the visual communication elements on each of the two promotional documents strategically convey the message and meaning to viewers. Be sure to compare and contrast how the viewers from the U.S. and the other country might interpret these differing visuals elements, and how you used them strategically to please each targeted audience.

  1. Find two different images to be used on the organization’s website page. One will be for the U.S. website, and one for the website in the country of your choice. Be sure that each of these images visually appeals to these two targeted audience viewers, and that the visual enhances the message to help eliminate racial prejudice. In your video presentation for the board of directors, identify and analyze the visual elements of cultural familiarity, semiotics, and emotional appeal (cognitive). Additionally, explain how each of those visual elements visually persuades the U.S. and global viewers in different ways.
  1. Design two logos for this anti-racism campaign. One logo should be designed for U.S. audiences, and the other should be designed for the other country of your choice. Design your video presentation to explain how each of these logos can clearly be seen on both small and large settings (example: cell phone app size and billboard size), as well as a comparison of how the color, lines, and visual elements are specifically designed to visually appeal to each of these different countries
  1. Create two social media posts, one for the United States and one for the other country of your choice. The posts should include text, images, and the logo matching the country where the social media post will appear. In your video presentation to the board members, compare and analyze how these visual elements (the images and the logo) emotionally engage and persuade each specified target audience (the United States and the country of your choice) to reduce and eliminate racial prejudice.
  1. Create a one-page instructional document for your communication team members outlining the ethical concepts regarding finding and using visuals in communication. Within your instructional document, use images and/or clip art to enhance each of your points in the document, and address the following items:
    1. How might the organization properly obtain and use images from outside sources?
    2. What are the dangers and problems that arise when altering and digitally enhancing images?


The presentation must include a visual and an audio recording using Screencast-O-Matic®, a free audio recording software compatible with PC and MAC computers. Follow these instructions to download and use this software to create your presentation.



Film essay

Option #1 ~Citizen Kane, A Place in the Sun OR Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid – Cinematography

Possible things to explore:





Deep focus photography

Gregg Tolands use of deep focus and its impact on the film.

Option #2 ~Casablanca, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane, OR The Seven

Year Itch – Acting

Possible things to explore:

The star system

*Character identity traits

Difference between screen and stage

Paper Requirements:

2-3 (Not including Works Cited page) full pages, typed and double spaced

MLA or APA format


I. Each paper should begin with an introductory paragraph naming the film of choice and its significance in film history.

II. Very brief synopsis of film.

III. Importance of film innovation (Check “Possible things to explore” above)

IV. Personal reaction: did you like/dislike this film? Why?

V. Conclusion

Three separate sources with IN-TEXT citations [Cite your facts!]

ie: (Phillips, 162).

Works Cited page



TIM 5000 Week Eight

Written information policies require configurations at the network, operating systems, databases, and application layers, among others. Once these configurations are implemented, they must be observed to ensure compliance and control assurance.

For this assignment, you must write a technical paper that explains the following controls. Support each explanation with technical figures or illustrations.

  1. Operating system features for access control

    1. Windows Active Directory, group, and user policies.

    2. Unix/Linux user and group permissions structure.

    3. Access roles in Apple iOS for Apple computers, iPads, iPhones.

    4. Google Android user permission structure.

  2. Role-based authorization controls for complex applications, such as Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP)

  3. Firewall controls for intrusion prevention systems and intrusion detection systems (IPS/IDS).

  4. Virtual private network (VPN) controls for remote authentication



What sort of gods were worshipped by the Romans to honor the state?

1. What sort of gods were worshipped by the Romans to honor the state?
2. What sort of gods were worshipped by Romans in their households?
3. Why was the worship of both state and household gods necessary to be a successful Roman citizen?
4. Consider the United States’ motto “In God We Trust”. How is the notion represented by this phrase different and/or similar to the practices of state and household god worship in ancient Rome?

Here is the video’s link again:



Article analysis and Accessibility

Part 1: Article Analysis

Knowing the difference between applied and basic research is necessary for developing an effective research study.

The difference between basic research and applied lies in their respective aims.

Basic research refers to research aimed at acquiring new, fundamental knowledge and theoretical understanding about basic human and other natural processes without any particular application in view.

Applied research also is conducted as an original investigation to acquire new knowledge, but it is primarily directed toward practical objectives with the aim of providing relatively immediate solutions.

Locate an applied research article on a topic in your program of study from the University Library. To familiarize yourself with the different applied designs, review the Qualitative and Quantitative research designs in the Dissertation Guide located in CDS Central.

Some key words to use while searching for an article in the library might include: Action Research, Program Evaluation, etc.

Write a 350- to 525-word analysis about what makes the study discussed in the article applied versus basic research. Include in your analysis:

– How the study in the article addresses a real-world, practical problem

– How the results of the study could impact people’s lives, work, health, and/or general well-being

Provide a properly APA formatted citations and references with links to the articles.

Part 2: Accessibility

Reminder: Additionally, an important aspect of choosing a topic is access or the ability to conduct your study. For example, you may want to know how leaders in XYZ company use social media to increase sales, but leaders in XYZ company are unwilling to talk to you. If you are not able to gain accessibility to the leaders, then you will not be able to gather the data you need for your study.

When selecting a topic for your study, consider whether conducting the study would involve talking to protected classes of people or vulnerable populations. Federal regulations require protecting the welfare of vulnerable subjects who may not be of age, have the authority or ability to speak for themselves, or are vulnerable in any other way. Protected classes include the following:

· children or minors under age 18

· prisoners

· pregnant women

· people with cognitive impairments or mental disabilities

· people who are educationally or economically disadvantaged

If you are considering conducting research with any of the protected classes of human subjects, consider options for conducting your study in a different way. For example, instead of talking to minor children, talk to their parents. There are many creative options!

Write a 250- to 500-word response to the following questions related to access and permission:

· What permissions will you need to access the people, organizations, and/or data to conduct your research?

· Who might you need to consult to gain permission to conduct your study?

· What potential issues might you encounter?

· How might you address these potential issues?



Write a program using integers user_num and x as input, and output user_num divided by x three times.

Write a program using integers user_num and x as input, and output user_num divided by x three times.



Case Presentation


Provide a diagnostic summary of the client, Carl. Within this summary include:

  • Identifying Data/Client demographics
  • Chief complaint/Presenting Problem
  • Present illness
  • Past psychiatric illness
  • Substance use history
  • Past medical history
  • Family history
  • Mental Status Exam (Be professional and concise for all nine areas)
    • Appearance
    • Behavior or psychomotor activity
    • Attitudes toward the interviewer or examiner
    • Affect and mood
    • Speech and thought
    • Perceptual disturbances
    • Orientation and consciousness
    • Memory and intelligence
    • Reliability, judgment, and insight


After completing Part I of the Assignment, provide an analysis and demonstrate critical thought (supported by references) in your response to the following:

  • Identify any areas in your MSE that require follow-up data collection.
  • Explain how using the cross-cutting measure would add to the information gathered.
  • Do Carl’s answers add to your ability to diagnose him in any specific way? Why or why not?
  • Would you discuss a possible diagnosis with Carl at this point in time? Why?



U.S. Disaster Policy and Management in an Era of Homeland Security

  • Describe the five-stage public policy process model.

  • What are the criteria for issuing a Presidential Disaster Declaration?

  • What it the practical significance of a Presidential Disaster Declaration?

  • What changes in Presidential Declaration Authority resulted from the events of September 11, 2001?

  • The Department of Homeland Security is authorized to make what types of emergency declaration?

  • Briefly describe the National Security Plan and the National Response Plan.

  • What distinguishes ICS from NIMS?

  • How has NIMS been criticized?



Does Chipotle have any core competencies, and if so, what are they?

In a report of 750 words please address the following:

  1. Does Chipotle have any core competencies, and if so, what are they?

  2. What are the primary and secondary components of Chipotle’s value chain?

  3. Which one of the five generic competitve strategies most closely approximates the competitive approach that Chipotle is employing?

  4. What chief differences do you see between Chipotle’s strategy and the strategy being employed at Moe’s Southwest Grill?

  5. Describe one (1) recommendation you would make to strengthen the company’s growth and profitability.



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