Category Archives: Research Papers

NRSE 3700J Module 4 A1 Reflection

This is the first Reflective exercise. You have chosen a country/community and a specific health issue as the focus for the final paper in NRSE 3700J. Reflective exercise #1 (Module 4) and #2 (Module 5) will provide the opportunity for additional thinking about the healthcare focus. You will reflect on the new information gained about healthcare in the chosen country/community.

See the Instructional Materials in Module 4 for some guidance in reflective thinking.

Although the reflective exercises involve personal reflection they are not informal documents. Use complete sentences and paragraphs. Use supportive statements with citations when appropriate. Be critical in thinking and writing. Move beyond simple description.

NO title page or references are necessary for reflection assignments.

Refer to the rubric for guidelines.

Instructions for Reflection #1 (M4-A1)

  • It is okay to use first person writing style.

  • Explain the relationship between your initial thoughts about health and/or healthcare in the chosen country/community and the information you discovered. (Country is Thailand) **I attached a copy of the two previous papers submitted on Thailand and the health care issues.**

  • Reflect on your view of the chosen population. Overall how has your thinking changed (if it has) based on what you have learned? If your view has not changed explain your reasoning.

  • Length is to be between 250 and 300 words.




Implement a Doubly Linked List.

Provide listed methods: insert (first, last etc…) remove (first, last etc…) Provide 2 sample usages for your Doubly Linked List.

I have a template include completing java code that problem, pseudo-code of java, UML diagram of java code, outputs like shown the example.



CS351T – Human Computer Interaction

CS351T – Human Computer Interaction

The course project in this Human Computer Interaction course will have four phases: proposal,
requirements, design, and evaluation. This document describes the first phase.
In your project you will assigned a topic for the section, write a proposal about it, define the
requirement for a system, design a new or an improved interface, build a low-fidelity prototype
and high fidelty prototype and then evaluate the usability of your design.

1. For this assignment, you will write 500 words proposal that forms the basis of the course
2. Include a cover page (not included in the words count) that lists the name of your
group/project and the members’ names.

CS351T – Human Computer Interaction

Guidelines on writing this proposal:
Creativity: The proposal should try to address a practical problem with a novel use of
technology or present a new or enhanced work practice enabled by technology. Be innovative!
Writing: The writing must clearly present the important facts and be terse and concise. The
nitty-gritty details aren’t needed at this point.
The Project Problem or Idea: The problem description should be short and specific about the
high-level goals of the project. It states what the problem is and why it is a problem or describes
a new idea and why it will enhance an existing application or work practice. It should also drop a
hint at the proposed solution to the problem.
The Project Purpose: What the system will be used for? details the general expectations of the
Analysis: The analysis section should give more background for the problem or new idea. It
doesn’t just focus on the negative aspects of the current situation, but also identifies some
suggested positive aspects that may be beneficial to retain. A few salient examples from existing
systems or work practices should be used to support those claims.



CNL 500 caste study analysis

Write a 1,000-1,500-word analysis of the case study using Freud’s psychoanalytic theory approach. Include the following in your analysis.

  • What will be the goals of counseling and what intervention strategies are used to accomplish those goals?

  • Describe the process of treatment using this theory. This should include a description of the length of treatment, the role of the counselor, and the experience of the client as they work from beginning to termination of therapy.

  • How does this theory address the social and cultural needs of the client? (Cite specific research findings)

  • Describe valuable insights of coming to understand the client’s unconscious world as the counseling process continues.

  • How can a counselor implement Freudian processes in counseling without undue risk to the client or the counseling relationship?

Include at least six scholarly references beyond the textbook in your analysis.

Each response to the assignment prompts should be addressed under a separate heading in your paper. Refer to “APA Headings and Seriation,” located on the Purdue Owl website for help in formatting the headings.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.



A startup is a young company founded by one or more entrepreneurs to develop a unique product or service and bring it to market.

write any start-up idea. A startup is a young company founded by one or more entrepreneurs to develop a unique product or service and bring it to market. Remember, if you decide to write about the start-up concept, it has to be written in research format like why this product, how you are going to justify your product or service.



PRBC business

Address the following by evaluating your position on Critical Thinking, begin with the end in mind. Once you have completed your business plan, you have prepared your Executive Summary. Only a clear, concise, and compelling of your business plan will persuade your potential members and investors.


Even though you will be writing your summary last, it is imperative for you to complete each part of your business plan well, reflecting the results of your planning and should be crafted only after careful consideration of all aspects of PRBC business.

It is critical for you to ask yourself, “who will be reading and reviewing our business plan? You will improve your chances of a positive outcome. Why PRBC enterprise is beneficial to the end-user? From the information management point of view will it be a successful enterprise once it is implemented? Consider all the critical factors for implementation and predict solutions. Through comprehensive research and review of widely cited literature, various factors will be the backbone of your business plan, communication across the IT and business boundaries. Teamwork; change management program and culture; top management support; business plan and vision; business process; project management; monitoring and evaluation of performance; project champion; appropriate business leadership and IT legacy system will strengthen in each step of the way your outcome.



Consider a three-switch network where the switches are connected to each other via 560 kbps links.

Switch 1 is serving 5 workstations each offering packets at a rate of 20 packets/sec, switch 2 is serving 8 workstations each offering packets at a rate of 18 packets/sec, and switch 3 is serving 10 workstations each offering packets at a rate of 25 packets/sec (with all packet lengths of 1024 bits). The switches are expected to send their entire traffic to its neighbor switch (1 to 2, 2 to 3 and 3 to 1). First, draw a network diagram including the queues. Next, calculate the load on each switch, utilization of each of the three links, and average number of packets in each queue.



Reading Response Post for Henry V by William Shakespeare — From Act II, Scene 3 through Act IV, Scene 2.

Reading Response Post for Henry V by William Shakespeare — From Act II, Scene 3 through Act IV, Scene 2.

Comedy’s Purposes


In this reading we see how Shakespeare leavens this play with healthy doses of comedy, whether in the scene with the Welsh, Irish, and Scots officers, the one with Katherine attempting to learn English from her attendant Alice, or with any appearance of Pistol. Yet all of these scenes are more than comic relief. Examine any of these scenes and discuss what purposes it serves other than comedy.



The Tulsa Race Riot or Massacre

How was the Tulsa Race Riot or Massacre portrayed in newspapers at the time? (These would be the last 3 articles.) How has it been remembered? (First two articles.) While I realize the first article makes correlations between Tulsa and BLM today, please focus your answers on the documents and Tulsa in 1921.



Case Analyses, B&R Chs. 1-3

1.1 Identify which (at least 1) of these values could be specifically moral values (as opposed
to legal values, economic values, values of etiquette or social custom, religious values,
etc.) by explaining what sorts of obligations and responsibilities this value imposes on us to
be a certain kind of person, or to do a certain kind of action.
1.2. These boundaries (between morality, law, social custom, and religion) are not fixed or
well-defined. Make your best case.
1.3. (227)“The values at play in skipping class on a whim are the value of an education, the
value of the tuition I paid to come to this university, the value of my instructor’s lessons,
and the value of my time. The value of my tuition is itself only financial or economic.
The return I get on my financial investment of my tuition isn’t clearly a moral issue
because what I get for my investment doesn’t by itself make me a good or bad person.
The value of my time is also economic in a way, because time is a scarce resource in short
supply; this also deals with returns on investments, but of time not money. How I value
my instructor’s lessons also doesn’t seem to be moral, but a matter of taste. Good and
bad people could love or hate his lessons, and I’m not under any obligation to “feel” a
certain way about his lessons. The value of an education does seem moral because
willfully depriving someone of an education they would otherwise have seems to be
wrong, and someone who insists on keeping someone else in a state of ignorance seems
to be a bad person. What I wouldn’t do to others I shouldn’t do to myself, and by
skipping class on a whim I deprive myself of an education I would otherwise have.”

(In 100-150 words; no more than 150) Consider whether one of these moral values – preferably the
most relevant, important, or significant – is socially-constructed and relative, or objective.
2.1. In other words, address whether this value derives its moral force from society – and so
holds only for members of that society but not others – or from the world, objectively – and so
hold for everyone regardless of society and cannot be ignored.
2.2. Either view is plausible and can be defended for most values. Explain your own views.
2.3. (109)“The value of an education, or the responsibility I have to help others and myself
learn and the obligation not to willfully prevent others and myself from learning, seems
to be an objective value. Even if I was alone in the world, it would be better for me to
have knowledge than to be ignorant, so it can’t be the value that society places on an
education alone that makes it valuable. Likewise, I’m not free to ignore the value of an
education. Not only would I be unable to function well in the world if I was completely
ignorant, but a society that values ignorance would quickly collapse.”



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