Category Archives: Research Papers

CIS243_E-Commerce Course Project

Step 1

For Course Project, you are to build an E-Commerce Web site of your choice.

You may review / observe other sites to ensure you have a firm understanding of all the different parts that makes an e-commerce site work. i.e. Home Page, Navigations, Payment, Return, Shipping and so on….

Step 2

Now you are done with website prepare the project report.

For the project Paper and e-commerce site:

Project Details: You will need to create a report about your website to upload to Moodle, which should include the following information.

  • Project Tile Page (your name, my name, date, class, project title)
  • Screen shots of the main Home Page of the Site – Site Name / Title ….See last section below for References and Attachments
  • Incorporate your business into the website. Be sure to include the following into your paper and website:
    • Your business (Plan, marketing strategies, etc.) and ethics
    • Product or Service (detailed description of your product or services)
    • Product pricing sheet
    • Ad slogans
    • Shopping cart
    • Payment methods
    • Return and refund policies
    • International policies (if any)
    • Cybersecurity Policy
    • Laws (local, cybersecurity, international, etc.)
    • Shipping methods
  • Conclusion page
  • References and Attachments:Please be sure to use APA format in writing your paper and make sure you use valid references and workable web-links.



Apply mobile application development principles and best practices in the development of a mobile application


You have recently been hired as the newest member of the mobile application development team for the Mobile2App Company. Every week, your team meets to discuss the latest client projects that have been sent in and to assign the work. There are three available projects that both you and the rest of the team feel would be a good fit for your expertise. This means you may select which application you would like to work on. Your options are an inventory app, an event tracking app, and a weight tracking app.


This application will be used to track the daily weight of the user. This application must include the following:

  • A database with at least three tables: one to store the daily weight, one to store user logins and passwords, and one to store the goal weight. Note that goal weight will be constant but setting a one-time weight that is stored in a database will be the simplest way for you to accomplish this task.

  • A screen for logging into the app; note that this should also be used to create a login if the user has never logged in before

  • A screen, with a grid, that displays all of the daily weights and the days they were entered

  • A mechanism by which the user can add a daily weight

  • A mechanism by which the user can add a goal weight

  • A mechanism by which the application will notify the user when they reach their goal weight

In a previous milestone, you selected an app to develop and completed some preliminary research. Now you will build on the base you already have and investigate how the app will need to look and function in order to best serve its users. All of the information you analyze and the decisions you make in this project will need to be gathered into an app development proposal.


All three projects will use the same scenario you began work on during your milestone. Remind yourself of the client’s needs and review any instructor feedback you may have received from your milestone work. By constructing your app development proposal, you will be preparing yourself for success in both Project Two and Project Three.

For this project, you will create an App Development Proposal by demonstrating your knowledge of the following criteria.

  • Articulate the goals of the project. Describe the application you have chosen, its major components, and what functionality will be necessary based on the scenario.

  • Describe the users of the application and the assumptions being made regarding their needs and preferences. As you think about potential users, consider the following questions to guide your response:

    • How many different types of users can you identify?

    • What different goals might individual users have?

    • What will users need in order to achieve their goals in this app?

  • Discuss the screens and features that will be necessary to produce a user-centered UI for the app. Be sure to include a high-level description of every necessary screen and feature that will be in your app. Also explain how a user might be expected to move from one screen to another. You may choose to support your ideas with a simple diagram or illustrations to better represent the different components. Throughout your discussion, remember to justify your decisions by referencing the Android Design and Quality Guidelines, linked in the Supporting Materials section.

  • Discuss how the functional app requirements will be represented in the code and connected to the UI. You should explain the calls that show the flow of data between code and screens. When explaining what data calls you may need to make, you should list the major UI components on each screen, then determine what data each component will either display or accept as input and where the data might come from.



Communication and Team Decision Making

Observe two or more adults unknown to the observer. The student must not be able to hear the subjects being observed and those being observed must not be wearing a uniform of any kind as this would provide information about their occupation to the observer. Students must describe the environment and the people being observed, i.e., age, gender, dress, etc. Discuss the nonverbal communication, i.e. eye contact, body position and any other nonverbal behavior. Provide your interpretation of the relationship between those being observed. Be very discrete and do not have a conversation with those being observed.


Communication and Team Decision Making

Part 1: Sharpening the Team Mind: Communication and Collective Intelligence

A. What are some of the possible biases and points of error that may arise in team communication systems? In addition to those cited in the opening of Chapter 6, what are some other examples of how team communication problems can lead to disaster?

B. Identify the possible causes of communication or decision-making failure in each example, and, drawing on the information presented in the chapter, discuss measures that might have prevented problems from arising within each team’s communication system.

Part 2: Team Decision-Making: Pitfalls and Solutions

A. What are the key symptoms of groupthink? What problems and shortcomings can arise in the decision-making process as a result of groupthink?

B. Do you think that individuals or groups are better decision-makers? Justify your choice. In what situations would individuals be more effective decision-makers than groups, and in what situations would groups be better than individuals?



Analyze the case and determine the factors that have made KFC a successful global business.

Analyze the case and determine the factors that have made KFC a successful global business.



What influences on personality development seem most important to you? and Why?


1-What influences on personality development seem most important to you? and Why? (it must be at least 150 words)

2-Think of a manager fro whom you have worked. Did this manager reflect any of the propositions related to Theory X and/or Theory Y? Explain with specific examples. (it must be at least 150 words )



ENGM90006 Engineering Contracts and Procurement

PART A: Review of contract strategy from the Owners perspective.


Select one of the following projects, as described in their tender documents. You are to review the documents and confirm to the Principal’s (the Owner) Manager of Procurement that the correct procurement strategy is being adopted for the project:

I) Explain the benefits and risks associated in using the contracting form nominated. Include in your discussion, factors such as the context, organizational experience, and specifics of the project risk profile. You should also clearly outline the anticipated time dimensions for the project and the reasons behind the suggested timeframe.

(10 marks)

II) For your selected project, identify three to five critical risks and/or opportunities. Enough detail is to be provided to justify the significance of identifying these risks as priorities.

(10 marks)

The following projects have been nominated and details are provided in LMS.

1. Develop an ITS budget and management reporting system for Court Services Victoria ITS 2020 – 1019

2. Construct a pipeline from Melton to Bacchus Marsh for Western Water, CN000118

3. Provide preventative and reactive maintenance services for Monash Health – titled ‘Medical Gas Reticulation Systems Maintenance services, TEN-20-0000033

NB: a) It is not permissible to replace the above projects with one you may be working on in a corporate environment.

b) Do not contact any of the actual project teams as part of this exercise. If this happens you will receive zero for the assignment.

PART B: Developing a winning strategy


Assume you are responding as a tenderer to the project you have chosen in Part A of this assignment. Propose a detailed strategy as to how you think your services could emerge as the preferred tenderer. Your response should consider technical, commercial and contractual matters. Ensure you link your strategy to the matters valued by the Client and reference these where appropriate.



Research New Jersey voting technogly only. Keep senetence simple and detailed. Your response to each question should be thorough and complete (at least one paragraph per question). This page provides some general resources that may be helpful to you. 1)What type of voting technology does your state use? Is it consistent across the state? 2) Since HAVA, has your state changed voting technology? What was used previously? What was the rationale for making the change ? 3) Have there been any reports of voting technology failures/malfunctions in your state in recent years? If so, has your state done anything to address these problems? Note: to answer this question, you will need to do some thorough searching. I highly recommend looking at major newspapers in your state for reports of voting technology problems. ationale for making the change?

Research New Jersey voting technogly only. Keep senetence simple and detailed. Your response to each question should be thorough and complete (at least one paragraph per question).

This page provides some general resources that may be helpful to you.

1)What type of voting technology does your state use? Is it consistent across the state?

2) Since HAVA, has your state changed voting technology? What was used previously? What was the rationale for making the change ?

3) Have there been any reports of voting technology failures/malfunctions in your state in recent years? If so, has your state done anything to address these problems? Note: to answer this question, you will need to do some thorough searching. I highly recommend looking at major newspapers in your state for reports of voting technology problems. ationale for making the change?



Write a Thesis Statement that establishes emphatic order for the essay by introducing both subjects and clearly illustrates a preference for the second subject after introducing both authors and essays in the introduction.

  1. Write a Thesis Statement that establishes emphatic order for the essay by introducing both subjects and clearly illustrates a preference for the second subject after introducing both authors and essays in the introduction.

  2. Offer clear, fully-developed body paragraphs and topic sentences, making sure that the reader can see the similarities/differences and the rationale for offering such information—why compare/contrast these two subjects?

  3. Ensure that the points are the same for both subjects and that they, too, follow emphatic order.

  4. Choose either subject or point order and stay with it.

  5. Ensure that all borrowed material, quotes and summaries, from the source essays is parenthetically cited to avoid plagiarism.

  6. Offer bibliographic citations for both essays in the Works Cited at the end of the paper. ***This essay is being submitted to the plagiarism checking program in Canvas, so be sure to cite borrowed words and ideas.***

  7. Make use of transitions so that the reader does not become confused as to which subject you are discussing at any given point, and the analysis moves smoothly between subjects and points.

  8. Write 800+ words.



During last 40 years, the Pakistani society, in general, underwent a lot of changes that have affected people from all walks of life across the country.

During last 40 years, the Pakistani society, in general, underwent a lot of changes that have affected people from all walks of life across the country. The following five questions are aimed at applying the concepts learned by you in the course to evaluate these changes. Write short, to-the-point answers. No copy-pasting is allowed. If you use any material from any source, give citation. Word limit for each part: 50 words. (10 marks)

  • There has been a continuous rise in junk food outlets in all big cities of Pakistan depicting increasing acceptance of western food (pizza, burgers, Kentucky-style fried chicken, etc.) by Pakistanis. Both the traditional electronic media and social media are known to influence cultural diffusion. Which one of these has had stronger impact in the widespread acceptance of western fast food in Pakistan? Why? Illustrate with examples. (2 marks)

  • More and more people are seen speaking English in offices and educational institutions in large cities of Pakistan. There have been several factors influencing this change. Trace the role of secondary socialization in it. Give logical explanation using observed information and the concepts that you have learnt in the course. (2 marks)

  • Over-speeding/reckless driving has become nowadays a common practice in our society. People nowadays are so busy in their own life that they don’t care about others and their own safety. High speed or rough driving can lead to the damage of a person, injuries and even lead to death. What factors do you think have been instrumental in this social change? Relate your answer with the relevant concepts that you have learnt in the course. (2 marks)

  • The most popular traditional Pakistani dress for women has been shalwar-qameez in cities. However, the last three decades has seen a continuous rise in the popularity of both western dresses (pant/trouser and shirt/T-shirt) and conservative dresses (niqab/abaya and scarf). Describe the role of family as an important social institution in this aspect of cultural transmission. (2 marks)

  • Keeping in view the concept and characteristics of social change, how would you explain the changes that underwent in your personal, academic and professional lives during the Corona Pandemic? (2 marks)



What are the advantages of using a data warehouse? What are the disadvantages?

1.Explain the Internet of Things. Use at least three unique references. Length: 4-5 paragraphs.

2.Identify three security risks of open source software. How can they be overcome? Use at least three unique references. Length: 4-5 paragraphs.

3.What are the advantages of using a data warehouse? What are the disadvantages? Use at least three unique references. Length: 4-5 paragraphs.

4.Explain VoIP. Use at least three unique references. Length: 4-5 paragraphs.



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