Category Archives: Research Papers
business economics
You must show your problem solving process. A solution alone cannot get any credits.
1. Answer the following questions with no more than three sentences.
- What is a household? How do households interact with firms in a market?
- What is a firm? What other terms do economists use interchangeably with the term “firm”?
- What is technology and what factors does it depend on?
- What is an entrepreneur?
2. Paul runs a lobster shop in Cape Cod. He is debating whether he should extend his hours of operation. Paul figures that his sales revenue will depend on the number of additional hours the lobster shop is open as shown in the table above. He would have to hire a worker for those hours at a wage rate of $25 per hour.
Hours Open |
Total Revenue
(dollars) |
1 | $275 |
2 | 375 |
3 | 450 |
4 | 500 |
5 | 530 |
6 | 550 |
- Using marginal analysis, how many hours should Paul extend his hours of operations?
- What is Paul’s marginal benefit if he decides to stay open for six hours instead of five hours?
- What is Paul’s marginal cost if he decides to stay open for six hours instead of five hours?
3. This table shows the number of labor hours required to produce a cell phone and a board foot of lumber in Estonia and Finland.
Cell Phone | Lumber (board foot ) | |
Estonia | 20 hours | 5 hours |
Finland | 18 hours | 4 hours |
- Which country has an absolute advantage in the production of cell phones?
- Which country has an absolute advantage in the production of lumber?
- What is Estonia’s opportunity cost of producing one cell phone?
- What is Finland’s opportunity cost of producing one cell phone?
- What is Estonia’s opportunity cost of producing one board foot of lumber?
- What is Finland’s opportunity cost of producing one board foot of lumber?
- If each country specializes in the production of the product in which it has a comparative advantage, who should produce cell phones?
- If each country specializes in the production of the product in which it has a comparative advantage, who should produce lumber?
4. Figure below shows the production possibilities frontier for New Zealand, an agrarian nation that produces two goods, meat and vegetables.
- What is the opportunity cost of one pound of vegetables?
- What is the opportunity cost of one pound of meat?
- Suppose New Zealand is currently producing 60 pounds of vegetables per How much meat is it also producing, assuming that resources are fully utilized?
- If New Zealand chooses to produce 160 pounds of vegetables, how much meat can it produce to maximize production?
5. The table below shows the demand schedules for green tea of two individuals (John and Jane) and the rest of the market.
Green Tea Price per lb. (dollars) | John’s Quantity Demanded
(lbs) |
Jane’s Quantity Demanded
(lbs) |
Rest of Market Quantity Demanded
(lbs) |
Market Quantity Demanded
(lbs) |
$8 | 4 | 0 | 30 | |
6 | 7 | 2 | 40 | |
5 | 9 | 3 | 51 | |
4 | 12 | 5 | 64 | |
3 | 15 | 8 | 90 |
- Fill out the market quantity demanded in the last column of the
Green Tea Price per lb. (dollars) | John’s Quantity Demanded
(lbs) |
Jane’s Quantity Demanded
(lbs) |
Rest of Market Quantity Demanded
(lbs) |
Market Quantity Demanded
(lbs) |
$8 | 4 | 0 | 30 | |
6 | 7 | 2 | 40 | |
5 | 9 | 3 | 51 | |
4 | 12 | 5 | 64 | |
3 | 15 | 8 | 90 |
- If the price of green tea rises from $3 to $4, what will happen to the market quantity demanded?
- If the table below shows the supply schedule, what is the equilibrium price and quantity?
Green Tea Price per lb.
(dollars) |
Market Quantity
Supplied (lbs) |
$8 | 120 |
6 | 96 |
5 | 63 |
4 | 52 |
3 | 36 |
- Suppose the prevailing price is $4 per Is there a shortage or a surplus in the market? What is the quantity of the shortage or surplus?
- How many lbs will be sold if the market price is $4 per lb?
- Suppose the market price is $8 per lb. Is there a shortage or a surplus in the market? What is the quantity of the shortage or surplus?
- How many lbs will be sold if the market price is $8 per lb?
6. The cities of Francistown and Nalady are five miles apart. Francistown enacts a rent control law that puts a ceiling on rents well below their equilibrium market value. Predict the short-run impact of this law on the competitive equilibrium rent in Nalady, which does not have a rent control law.
- Illustrate your answer with one demand and supply graph for the apartment market in Francistown and another demand and supply graph for the apartment market in
- Make sure that your graphs clearly show (1) the initial equilibrium before the rent control in both markets and (2) what happens after the imposition of rent control.
- Clearly show any shifts in the demand or supply curves, and the movement along the curves for each market.
- Label your graphs fully and provide written explanation for your
Political Science
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to assess whether you understand what functions the United Nations performs, the authorities it possesses and its limits in seeking to solve world problems. By completing this assignment, you will acquire a better appreciation for the strengths and weaknesses of the United Nations as a tool for global governance and be able to better differentiate between legitimate and illegitimate criticisms of this institution.
Imagine the following hypothetical scenario: you join your family around the table for a large dinner over the Thanksgiving holiday. After eating several helpings of sweet potatoes, your uncle turns to you and says: “So I hear you’re taking a class on International Organizations in college. Maybe you can answer a question for me: what good is the United Nations if it can’t prevent a country like Russia from invading a country like Ukraine? The UN strikes me as nothing more than a useless, bloated bureaucracy that is all talk and no action. I think the US should just pull out of the UN since it is obviously useless for solving global problems, and most Americans don’t even want to remain a member anyway.” How would you respond to your uncle?
Write a two-page memo (double-spaced, 12-inch font, 1-inch margins) which summarizes the response you would give to your uncle. Focus on addressing all the points that your uncle raises about the UN, noting where his criticism is legitimate, where it rests upon a misunderstanding of the power and purpose of the UN, and where it is simply untrue. You do not need to defend the UN in your response, but you should discuss what the UN is capable of doing, what roles it is designed to play in world politics, and what are the limits of its power and authority.
In order to do well on this assignment, you must demonstrate that you understand the power and authority the UN has been given and the limits of that power. You should, for example, clearly explain the role the UN and its various organs is intended to play in preventing war and promoting international security and why the UN was unable to prevent the Russian invasion of Ukraine. You should also discuss whether you think this means the UN is a “useless” organization. You should also address your uncle’s criticisms that the UN is a bloated bureaucracy that is all talk and no action. What elements of this criticism are true? What elements are overstatements or simply false?
Finally, be sure you also address your uncle’s claim that the US should pull out of the UN. Does the US derive any benefits from remaining a member of the UN? Is the UN useless as your unclear claims? How do most American’s feel about the UN (on this point, see the slides from our in-class discussion in week 7)?
Integrated Enterprise Systems IT 402
Case Study Objective:
This case study is an opportunity for you to practice your knowledge and to develop skills of working in teams.
- Total Marks = 14
Case Study report | Presentation |
9 marks |
5 marks |
- Group Size = 3-4 Members.
- One group member (group leader/coordinator) should submit all files: Case Study Report and Presentation Slides on blackboard. Marks will be given based on your submission and quality of the contents.
Case Study Report
- Each Case Study Report will be evaluated according to the marking criteria mentioned in each question section.
- Students (Group) need to present their Case Study (either F2F or Virtual) in week 11 or week 12.
- Presentation schedule with date and allocated timing will be shared with the students via Blackboard before the end of Week 10.
Note: the following case study is just an example, students are supposed to find a separate case study
Example Case Studies: Enterprise Software Choice Nightmares
Each example assumes steps as follows:
- Key individuals involved – most costly in any company are the active participants on the team
- The Selection Processes, Re-selection processes,
- Dropping challengers to the short-list
- Final selection procedures to make your decision.
- Purchase, finance, loan, check, or capital expenditure.
- Enterprise preparations – hardware, software, education, systems infrastructure
- Installation – infrastructure readiness and execution
- Integration – training and systems integration
- Implementation processes
- Return on investment (ROI) can now begin
- Follow on: Restoring, training, and ongoing support, re-visiting old ground.
Case # 1 –Corporation is unprepared for what is coming – but believed they were okay.
A manufacturer/distributor must upgrade their software to satisfy their business and client needs, or they will unavoidably fail. Upon examination, we find infrastructures are inadequate, and inner resources do not allow this change. Additional, because of their cash position, they cannot fund the lowest requirements for a new enterprise solution.
What are they supposed to do?
They must retrench and reconstruct quickly in as cost-effective manner. To serve their requirements, they must substitute all servers, operating systems, upgrade the network architecture, PCs, printers, improve their internet connection, rise network bandwidth, install wireless networking, protect their data backups, email SPAM control, implement security firewall,. i.e.: upgrade it all! What was believed to be a software spend of $35-$55K derived to be an enterprise spend of $160-$260K, and excluding the software.
It is avoidable with proactive budgeted enterprise management. You cannot permit your business to fail because systems are out of reach.
Case # 2 – Corporation is prepared to spend – but don’t know enough to execute properly.
When we encounter a client that has the financial capitals but not sufficient technical resources to deply today’s enterprise systems, we are prepared to contribute in hiring, raining, and support. The trick is the cost of these resources is high, and availability is inadequate. Businesses in a sound financial situation must also know they have resource necessities to consider while taking on a up-to-date solution. It is not for the reason that systems are complex it is because infrastructure and user requirements have raised.
For example:
Today is a extremely competitive and combative environment. Let’s look at some factors disturbing these pieces. Global rivalry is all the rage. China pays its employees $0.50/hour. Without the complete best systems, technologies, implementation, integration, utilization, cost-controls, security of the enterprise, accuracy in data, dedication to continuous monitoring and decision support tools, our businesses will flop and feel like they could do nothing about it.
We have, today the absolute utmost robust and reliable tools a little generation of business has ever seen. We can perform our business from a mobile phone from the inside of the Desert. If we can do this, the remaining is a matter of application.
Note: the above mentioned case study is just an example, students are supposed to find a separate case study.
4 Marks |
Learning Outcome(s): CLO1: Explain the interdisciplinary concepts, theories, and trends in ES and their role in supporting business operations.
Question One
- Your first task is to select a case study (from real-world or using internet). It can be related to enterprise systems or related to an organization/store or on any relevant topic.
- After selecting the case study describe it in your own words using following points.
- Clear headline: It should give the most important information.
- Snapshot: Provide the main points, including the client’s name/industry, the product/service used, and quick result stats.
- Client introduction: One or two sentences describing the customer and a highlight about them.
- Problem: State the problem/goal, consequences, and any hesitations the customer had. Include quotes.
- Solution: Share how they found you, why they chose you, what solution they chose, and how it was implemented. Include quotes.
- Results: Describe the results and the benefits, as well as any bonus benefits that came of it. Include quotes.
- Conclusion: Share additional praise from the customer and words of advice they have for other people/businesses like them.
2 Marks |
Learning Outcome(s): CLO4: Design ES architectural models for various business processes.
Question Two
Model (As-Is) process using BPMN 2.0 using any tool such as Visio. Then analyze As-Is process from atleast two perspectives. Forexample, if quality and time perspectives are taken then mention at least 1 issue related to quality and 1 issue related to time in the process.
3 Marks |
Learning Outcome(s):
CLO3: Discuss the issues and challenges associated with implementing ES and their impacts on corporate enterprises.
Question Three
Propose at least three (3) ideas for improving the process of your selected case study from any three (3) prespectives: for example a) equipments prespective, b) employees prespective, c) IT & IS technologies prespective, etc. Lastly, propose the To-Be process model using BPMN 2.0 by utilizing any tools?
HLTH 491 Grant Project
Grantsmanship is being able to acquire funding for a specific project/program through the process of grant writing. It is important to have a clear understanding of grantsmanship in order to be successful at writing grants. The best way to learn the knowledge and skills of grant writing is to actually write a grant proposal. Developing the skill of grant writing does not happen overnight. However, with practice one can become a more confident grant writer. One important aspect of grant writing is being able to communicate your vision to the potential funder. In order to develop a good grant proposal, it is important to be clear what you want to funder to invest in. Time should be spent developing and researching the project idea. By doing so, it will make the writing much easier and creative. While there are basics of grant writing that is useful across the board, a significant amount of time must be dedicated to developing the project idea.
For the proposal introduction, you will need to identify a 501 (c) (3) organization to serve as a non-profit entity for which you have been employed, hypothetically, to design and write a grant proposal. Do not contact the organization. Due to the time restrictions of this course, you will not be able to successfully work with a real organization. Since all the information you need may not be available to the public you will need to create information to fill in the blanks. This includes creating the project/event/research you are seeking to fund. This involves some creative writing on your part.
- Length of the assignment: No less than 2 pages with the use of headings, and should include the following Non-Profit Organizational data:
- Name, address and website
- Mission Statement
- A Listing of the Board of Directors [last name only]
- Board of Directors annual meeting date
- Organizational Chart [on a separate page with lines of authority]
- Name & contact data of its Executive Director
- A short paragraph summarizing the project or research idea you are seeking to have funded
List the information under each heading then end with a summary of your project idea. The organizational chart can be presented in the word document, excel, power point, or other software as long as it can be opened and reviewed.
- Format of Assignment: Use current APA style.
Note: Each week you will answer questions and complete tasks based on the public information available about the 501c3 organization you picked.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Solve using algorithm
- Suppose an initially empty stack S has executed a total of 25 push operations, 12 top operations, and 10 pop operations, 3 of which raised Empty errors that were caught and ignored. What is the current size of S ?
- Implement a function with signature transfer(S, T) that transfers all elements from stack S onto stack T , so that the element that starts at the top of S is the first to be inserted onto T , and the element at the bottom of S ends up at the top of T .
- Implement a function that reverses a list of elements by pushing them onto a stack in one order, and writing them back to the list in reversed order.
- Suppose you have a deque D containing the numbers ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ) , in this order. Suppose further that you have an initially empty queue Q . Give a code fragment that uses only D and Q (and no other variables) and results in D storing the elements in the order ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 )
- Repeat the previous problem using the deque D and an initially empty stack S .
- Suppose Alice has picked three distinct integers and placed them into a stack S in random order. Write a short, straight-line piece of pseudo-code (with no loops or recursion) that uses only one comparison and only one variable x , yet that results in variable x storing the largest of Alice’s three integers with probability 2 / 3. Argue why your method is correct.
- Show how to use the transfer function, described in Exercise R-6.3, and two temporary stacks, to replace the contents of a given stack S with those same elements, but in reversed order.
- In certain applications of the queue ADT, it is common to repeatedly dequeue an element, process it in some way, and then immediately enqueue the same element. Modify the ArrayQueue implementation to include a rotate( ) method that has semantics identical to the combination, Q.enqueue(Q.dequeue( )) . However, your implementation should be more efficient than making two separate calls (for example, because there is no need to modify size ).
NA25 SC – Lab 7 – Monte Carlo simulation
We use the game tree to calculate the exact probability of getting a Royal Match starting from a single, “fresh” shoe with exactly one deck of 52 cards, namely:
4/52 → Probability of getting a King (Kx) as player’s first card of some suite x
(1 – 1/51) → Probability of not getting a Queen (Qx) of same suit x as dealer’s hole card
1/50 → Probability of getting Queen (Qx) as player’s second card of the same suit
We have to multiply these probabilities. Furthermore, we have to multiply the result by two since there are two winning pathways. See Figure 1.
Monte Carlo simulation is an alternative approach that similarly uses game theory. It’s a powerful tool with the advantage that it can evaluate complex situations in which exact probabilities may not be known or they are problematic to assess. Its chief downside is the error is proportional to 1/√N where N is the number of simulations. The Monte Carlo algorithm pseudocode for Royal Match is given below.
Zero the count
Create a one-deck shoe. Do N times: Initialized the shoe. Draw cards from the shoe: One for YOU One for DEALER One for YOU If YOU have a Royal Match, increment the count by one. End-Do P = count / N odds = (1-P) / P |
Figure 2. Monte Carlo algorithm for Royal Match
Part I – Answer these questions.
There are two kinds of royal matches: the Easy Match and the Royal Match. We are concerned only with the Royal Match, that is, s uited King and Queen.
Put the answers in the shell.
- Go to the Wizard of Odds and get the exact probability for the Royal Match. What is it?
- Does the combinatorial calculation for Royal Match agree with the Wizard of Odds? Show the math.
- Is the Royal Match a fair bet? If yes, why? If no, why not?
- What is the appropriate Royal Match payout for a $5 side bet if it is fair?
- If you estimate the Royal Match probability to the accuracy reported by the Wizard of Odds, what’s the order of number of games you will need to simulate? For example, if you needed one place of accuracy or 0.1 = 1/10 = 1/√100, that is, O(100) simulations.
Part II – Estimate the Royal Match odds using Monte Carlo simulation.
- Open NetBeans and Charlie.
- Open the file and comment out this line:
log4j.rootLogger = DEBUG, FILE, stdout
This disables part of the logging which speeds up the simulations.
- Clean and rebuild Charlie.
- Create a new Java Maven project called, “SideBetOdds”.
- Copy-paste the Charlie dependency entry in the MyCharliePlugins pom.xml to this project’s pom.xml. (It may also be necessary to copy-paste the sl4j dependency.)
- Copy-paste the log4j dependency from the Charlie pom.xml to the pom.xml of this project.
- Add to the SideBetOdds project a new Java class,
- Use Monte Carlo simulation for 100,000 games to estimate the probability of winning the Royal Match.
- Output the probability and the odds as:
Royal Match prob = 0.###### odds = ###:1
where “#” is a digit.
Note: Verify the output is correct based on what you know about the Royal Match.
- Copy-paste the output to a file, royal-match-output.txt.
Part II – Estimate the Exactly 13 odds using Monte Carlo simulation.
Exactly 13 wins if the first two player cards are exactly 13, e.g., 6+7, 5+8, etc. (According to the Wizard of Odds, Aces count as one.) As you might imagine we really need Monte Carlo simulation because the combinatorics are not easily analyzed in this case.
- Create a new Java class called,
- Use Monte Carlo simulation for 100,000 simulations to estimate the probability of winning Exactly 13. Use the Royal Match algorithm as a guide.
- Output the probability and the odds as:
Exactly 13 prob = 0.###### odds = ###:1
where “#” is a digit.
Note: Verify the probability makes sense and whether it is a fair bet according to the Wizard of Odds.
- Copy-paste the output to a file, exactly13-output.txt.
- Write in the assignment shell answers to all the questions: Part I.1-5.
- Upload
- Upload
- Upload royal-match-output.txt.
- Upload exactly13-output.txt.
Estate Planning Project
Core Assessment: Estate Planning Project
Benny and Martha Franklin Estate Planning Project
This comprehensive case project will allow you to apply the concepts you learned in this course. Cases similar to this may appear on the Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) examination or other professional level certification exams. Benny and Martha Franklin have come to you for assistance. They are looking for guidance regarding their estate plan. Review the Benny and Martha Franklin case found in Dalton and Langdon (2016) starting on page 550.
Directions for the Case
Your assignment is to list Benny and Martha’s estate planning goals. Goals that should be addressed are stated on page 552. You should also identify any other goals that a client might have given the facts and assumptions of the case.
Next, you should summarize the current situation. Be brief, but include all applicable information that someone not familiar with the case would need to know.
Calculate their probate and gross estate. Provide enough detail so someone can determine what items were included in the calculations. Show your work.
You should detail recommendations for the clients. What are the steps Benny and Martha should take immediately and over the long term to reduce their gross estate and achieve their goals. Be specific and quantify the impact of each recommendation.
You should identify what documents should be completed and why each document is needed. Also identify what professionals Benny and Alex will need to see to complete their estate planning goals. If you recommend they see an attorney, explain why you are making the referral and what actions the attorney will have to implement. If you recommend they use a trust(s), identify what type of trust you recommend, how the trust works, and why they would benefit from the use of the trust.
Don’t worry about preparing a gift or estate tax return (whew!). Your case assignment should be written in Microsoft Word (or other format that is able to be viewed in MS Word). Write the document like you would be sending it to the client. Neatness, spelling, and grammar are important – they make an impression on your client. Maximum length of the document is 10 pages. Clients value clear, concise writing.
Oligopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Monopoly, Mergers, and Acquisitions (DB
In your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post (recommended minimum 200 words), and respond to at least 2 peers’ postings (recommended minimum 75 words).
After you have reviewed the Assignment Details below, click the Discussion Board link under the My Work heading above to open the Discussion Board and make your post.
Use these videos for help on how to post to the Discussion Board:
Assignment Details
You have learned that some markets are competitive but that there are also a few markets that are serviced by just one firm. Examples include utility companies that provide electricity and natural gas to homeowners.
Please draw on your own experiences and what you have learned in Unit 4 to discuss the following points. Please use economic concepts; and use references in your main contribution.
- Please identify and describe your local utility.
- Please explain what products or services it provides.
- Are there other companies that provide these products in your community?
- Have prices increased in the last 2 years? Please explain.
- Do you think prices would be higher or lower if there were 2 or more providers? Please explain.
In your own words, post a response to the Discussion Board, and comment on at least 2 other postings. You will be graded on both level of engagement and the quality of the contribution to the discussion.
Discussion Board Reminders:
- Must have three posts: A Main Post and two replies to peers.
- First post: Either your main post or a reply to others must be posted before midnight CT (Central time) on Friday of each week.
- Second and third post: Must be posted on a different day from the first post.
- Connect to Content: At least one post must refer to course learning materials. See the Academic Resource on Discussion Boards for help with connecting to the content.
- Engaging in Class Discussions: For more information on making the most of your class dialog, review the Academic Resource on Discussion Boards.
nutrition 158 MA/ hed MB
In many ways, living in the age of the internet is both a blessing and a curse. One thing that comes to mind is the quick access that we have to information. Some of this information is vetted, some of it is not. It is important to be prudent when going through resources, such as studies, new articles, etc. in order to ensure that we are receiving accurate information. This is true for all types of information, including information relating to nutrition, fitness, and sports.
Your Tasks
Choose a nutrition or physical activity/fitness topic that you would like to use for this discussion assignment. It can be anything!
Next, you will conduct a search for information related to your topic. This could be anything from research articles, websites, blog posts, etc. Choose 2 pieces of information that you would like to perform the CRAAP test on.
Important! Please make sure to pick one resources that would pass the test, and one that would fail the test. Also, please make sure that each resource discusses a similar topic. For example, if your one resource talks about fiber, then your other resource would also have to discuss fiber.
Go through each component of CRAAP for your two resources. As a reminder, the 5 components of CRAAP are: Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose. Note whether or not you think the resource meets each of these components.
Please address the following in your original post:
- What two resources are your comparing? Please provide links to these resources. (1 point for relevance to course, 2 points for articles [one for each article])
- Which resource passed the CRAAP test? How do you know that it fulfills each component? Explain. (4 points)
- Which resource did not pass the CRAAP test? Which components of the test were not fulfilled in this article? Explain. (4 points)
- How has this exercise changed the way in which you will view health articles and information? (5 points)
- Ideas for this portion: resources that you were using to acquire health information prior to this assignment; the way you determined accurate information prior to this assignment; things that you learned after performing the CRAAP test; etc.
Respond to at least 2 classmate’s posts. For this discussion I would like you to look at 2 students’ chosen resources. Then explain whether you agree or disagree about whether or not you agree that the resource passes/doesn’t pass CRAAP, and why.
.part two
Social Justice Organizations
Introduction
We can talk all day about social justice and how things need to change; however change requires action. Groups and organizations have dedicated themselves to promoting equity and justice within our societies. Let’s learn more about what some of these organizations do!
Your Tasks
Review this listLinks to an external site. of organizations who have dedicated themselves to the social justice cause. Choose one that you would like to do more research on.
Next, you will need to create your discussion post. Your post must address the following (point values indicated in bold):
- What is the name of the organization? 1 point
- Which social injustice(s) is/are their main focus? (e.g., human trafficking, racial injustice, etc.) 2 points
- Why did you choose this organization? 3 points
- What is their mission statement
Links to an external site.? 3 points
- Briefly describe the history of the organization. In other words, why was this organization created? 3 points
- Describe research that they are working on and/or current projects/ programs that they have? Briefly describe 1-2 of these? 4 points
- Include at least 1 outside reference, cited in APA format. This reference needs to be cited both in-text and at the end of the post in a reference list. 2 points
- Post must be a minimum of 250 words. 2 points
- Respond to at least 2 classmate’s posts. Discuss whether or not you had heard of the organization, and things that you learned about the organization through their post. 10 points.
- ..
part three
We have all probably been exposed to some form of social injustice or justice in our lives. For some it may have been a direct and very personal experience, for others it may have been through older family members, and for others it may have been through reading or watching current events. In this assignment, we will critically think about the role or influence that social justice has played in our lives.
Your Task
Please read this week’s materials prior to completing this assignment
Please answer the following questions:
- What was your understanding of social justice in the context of health prior to reading this week’s material? (5 points)
- How has this understanding changed? (5 points)
- How have you seen health inequities (or general inequities) within your community? (10 points)
Business ethics and law
CRISPR: Next-Gen Mosquito Zapper?
Mosquito-borne diseases are a major concern in many parts of the globe. Diseases that spread to people via mosquitos, including Zika virus, West Nile virus, dengue, and malaria, have serious negative impacts on human health. A company we’ll call Kill-M has utilized CRISPR technology to create a mosquito that will prevent the spread of mosquito-borne diseases by reducing the number of breeding mosquitoes– fewer mosquitos, fewer bites; fewer bites, less disease. Using CRISPR, male mosquitos are |
genetically modified so that their offspring die before reaching sexual maturity, thus decreasing the mosquito population. This technique to reduce the insect population is called the “sterile insect technique,” which ordinarily involves sterilizing insects such as the screwworm and the Mediterranean fruit fly using radiation, not genetic engineering. Radiation is generally quite successful, especially in eliminating invasive insect species. However, radiation kills mosquitoes, so CRISPR technology, rather than radiation, is used to edit mosquito genes.
Ecologists have expressed concern about the use of the sterile insect technique to eradicate local insect populations. The elimination of an insect species can also influence other areas of the environment, such as predators who eat the insects or plant species that need to be pollinated. In Brazil, there is an urgent outbreak of Zika, a serious illness with no vaccine for prevention or cure once contracted. The symptoms of Zika are usually fairly mild and may include fever, muscle soreness, headache, and rash. Zika is not deadly, and symptoms will usually clear up in about a week without medical intervention. However, Zika is a concern for pregnant women, because the infection can be passed to her fetus causing severe birth defects including severe brain |
development issues, notably, microcephaly. Kill-M has been asked by the Brazilian Department of Public Health, SUS, to bring their CRISPR sterile insect technology to Brazil to eliminate the mosquito population and stop the spread of Zika. It is unknown what degree of reduction in the mosquito population is required to make a positive impact on human health in Brazil (or elsewhere). To ensure the success of the project and eliminate the spread of disease to pregnant women, Kill-M plans to release enough genetically modified mosquitoes to wipe out the entire native population of mosquitoes within six months.
There is significant uncertainty about the long-term outcomes of releasing a population of genetically modified mosquitoes into the environment in response to Zika in Brazil. Predator species like bats, which are critical to the ecosystem, may be negatively affected by losing a food source. Additionally, mosquitoes are pollinators, so their elimination from the environment may |
negatively affect native flora and farming in Brazil.
In another incident, a wealthy neighborhood in Florida decided that they want to hire Kill-M to wipe out the mosquito population in their community. The mosquitoes in this region are not disease vectors, rather, they are simply annoying pests. The residents argue that insect repellants are |
unpleasant and ineffective. The promise of a mosquito-free vacation will increase the number of visitors to the community and increase revenue from tourism in addition to increasing the comfort of year-round residents.
Source: Velasquez, M. (2016). Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases: Pearson New International Edition. 1st ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited
- Critically analyze the use of CRISPR TECHNOLOGY to eliminate the mosquitopopulation in Brazil and Florida. (Apply appropriate moral theories).
- In your opinion, do you think humans have the right to eliminate the mosquitopopulation