Category Archives: Research Papers
Wk 5 Team – Apply: Digital & Social Media Strategies Presentation
Many digital and social media sites are widely used in marketing strategies.
Prepare a 10- to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker’s notes and visuals elements.
Complete the following in your presentation:
- Identify a company that could benefit from better use of social media.
- Analyze at least 10 digital and social media channels and describe the strengths and weaknesses of each of these as a marketing tool for this company.
- Design an online strategy that maximizes the use of some or all of the digital and social media channels, as appropriate, based on your team’s analysis.
- Determine key performance indicators to measure the success of the online strategy.
Wk 1 – Apply: Ethical and Socially Responsible Marketing Analysis
Read “Ethical Issues in Marketing: An Application for Understanding Ethical Decision Making” from the University Library.
Write a 350- to 575-word analysis and evaluation of a company’s effectiveness in the following areas:
- Distinguish between social responsibility, ethical, and legal issues and their effect on marketing.
- Relate the triple bottom line to an organization’s sustainability.
- Analyze consumer influence on ethical behavior in marketing.
- Assess the value of communicating ethical behavior to the public.
- Conclude how ethical issues influence legal issues in marketing.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Week 11 Assignment – Research Proposal – PowerPoint Slide Presentation
Present of a research proposal as a set of slides.
You will include all sections below in your slide presentation. For this assignment you will be submitting 8 separate slides.
- Slide 1- Title of Research Study. Your Name, Date, “Norwich University” and course name.
- Slide 2- Abstract (less than 300 words)
- Slide 3- Description of the problem and clear problem statement.
- Slide 4- Research Question – if quantitative- clearly state the relationship between the independent and dependent variable. If qualitative- clearly state the central question and the associated sub-questions.
- Slide 5- Methodology- discuss the type of study design, sample size and selection process, and how data will be analyzed. Discuss how you will recruit your sample and who will be the members of your research team. Discuss any tool you plan to use to collect data and how you store information to keep it confidential.
- Slide 6- Results- this slide will be left blank until you complete your research.
- Slide 7- Conclusion- For this assignment discuss the significance of what you plan to study and limitations of your study. Include information on generalizability, nursing implications, and suggestions for further research.
- Slide 8- Reference list.
EDMG230 – Mock Incident Response Plan – Powerpoint Presentation
This assignment is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the material we have covered during the course. For this project students will come up with a fictitious incident response plan and develop a Powerpoint presentation containing a minimum of 10 slides.
Develop a response plan for a mock incident involving a facility or location in your community. This is a single incident of your choosing, such as a fire, active shooter, natural disaster, etc. We are looking for you to simulate an incident response and use your project as an opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned about the incident command process during the course. The Powerpoint presentation should contain the following slides:
- Slide 1 – Title Page
- Slide 2 – Overview of the Incident
- Slides 3 – 9 – Comprehensive Response Plan
- Last slide – References
Decide who will be the Incident Commander (IC). Or you could choose a Unified Command (UC). Develop the five ICS functional areas and specific responsibilities for each area pertaining to your incident. A completely developed and detailed Incident Action Plan (IAP) should be included as part of your presentation. You should also include maps, images as well as the completed ICS Forms (excel file) we worked on during the Week 6 Forum.
You should use a minimum of three sources to support your plan. These sources may include applicable federal, state, or local laws, as well as research or other sources relevant to your plan.
Your powerpoint presentation should contain a minimum of 10 slides, including your title and reference slides. All sources used must be properly cited. Your references should be formatted in APA style.
External research will generally be required in addition to the assigned readings. Please create your final project in Microsoft Powerpoint, and upload as an attachment for submission.
Use the following file name example when uploading your Powerpoint document as an attachment: YourlastnameEDMG230.pptx
Week 8 – Future Challenges for ICS and NIMS
NIMS, ICS and the field of Emergency Management are continuously evolving. We began the class by learning that ICS developed out of wildfire management efforts during the 1970’s. We have seen during our discussions how NIMS came to be after the tragedy of 9-11-2001. And it has grown and developed along the way. As evidence we have Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy. As Emergency Managers we continue to meet the challenge and are better prepared than ever. But the battle is never over, as there are newer and bigger incidents to handle.
You and I are the future of Emergency Management and NIMS. Our efforts to improve our response capabilities will shape our nation’s ability to handle the worst that can be thrown in our direction. This week we will finish up the course by looking at the NIC and the future of NIMS. Please see the video below that discusses the National Response Framework (NRF).
National Response Framework
The National Response Framework (NRF) replaces the National Response Plan (NRP) and is a response template of federal, state, tribal, and local governments, along with NGOs in the private sector. The NRF complements the principles in NIMS, such as Unified Command (UC) and Incident Command System (ICS). The emergency response phases of preparedness, response, and recovery are addressed in the NRF document.
The key doctrine in the NRF includes engaged partnerships, tiered response, scalable/flexible operational capabilities, unity of effort through UC, and readiness to act. The NRF framework defines 15 Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) and specifies a lead federal agency for each support function. The NRF includes key scenario sets and 15 national planning scenarios. The roles and responsibilities outlined in the framework begin at the individual and household levels and progress through local, tribal, state, and federal levels. Roles for NGOs and the private sector are also defined in the NRF.
The Future of NIMS
NIMS must be effectively integrated into the everyday operations of a jurisdiction and its agencies. NIMS implementation is a continuous and rewarding process because NIMS implementation provides communities with tools for preparedness, planning, interoperability, a COP, and effective integration with state and federal agencies.
The important steps of a successful NIMS implementation program are to:
- Select lead implementation agencies.
- Ensure buy-in from elected officials and chief executives.
- Draft a formal plan with milestones and measurable end states.
- Provide multilateral NIMS and ICS training.
- Establish a multiagency preparedness organization.
- Incorporate NIMS into daily activities.
- Develop a proactive exercise program.
- Budget for NIMS maintenance and implementation.
- Use the NIC as an implementation tool.
Training is paramount when implementing a new and all-encompassing program such as NIMS. The NIC Incident Management Systems Integration Division has developed a NIMS Five-Year Training Plan. Preparedness organizations are responsible for essential components of NIMS implementation, such as planning, equipping, and training. NIMS programs should be continuously evaluated through an academically accepted program evaluation model.
NIMS Analysis
A SWOT analysis is based on assessing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of NIMS. The Human Performance Technology (HPT) model begins with an organizational and environmental analysis. Root causes in the NIMS program are identified, and interventions are implemented to narrow or close the program gaps.
There are five principles in high-reliability organizations (HROs) that should be continuously applied to all NIMS response agencies. The management and maintenance of NIMS is a continuous process. It is important for all NIMS response community partners to realize that NIMS development is continually changed and refined.
The National Integration Center (NIC) is the central national coordinating body that ensures incident response, management, recovery, and planning are efficient across all disciplines, jurisdictions, and agencies. The NIMS component of ongoing management and maintenance requires quality management through system-wide assessment and corrective actions that remedy identified deficiencies. Proposed changes to NIMS are submitted to the NIC.
The National Integration Center
The NIC is responsible for:
- Developing a national program for NIMS education and awareness
- Ensuring compatibility of standards, protocols, and guidelines
- Developing and publishing national standards, guidelines, and protocols for the qualification and certification of emergency responders and incident management personnel
- Establishing standards for the performance, compatibility, and interoperability of incident management and response equipment
- Developing data standards for incident notification, situation reports, geospatial information, and communications
- Establishing technical and technology standards for NIMS users
The Professional Experience assignments in this course are designed to help prepare you for communicating in a professional work setting. When you are writing in the workplace, it is essential to:
- Follow any specific directions you receive.
- Consider who it is you are communicating with.
- Consider what your overall purpose in communication is.
To earn full credit, make sure you complete all assignment requirements and follow the instructions exactly as written. See the scoring guide rubric for specific grading criteria.
If you submit your Professional Experience assignment before the due date and you are not satisfied with your grade, you may resubmit one time for an opportunity for full credit points. Check with your professor for the resubmission deadline.
Last week, you created a PowerPoint presentation; next week, you will practice recording narration for a presentation, and in Week 9 you will submit your final presentation with recorded narration. For this week’s Professional Experience, you will create a narration outline for your final recorded presentation. You may use the narration outline template provided or create your own.
- Download and review the Narration Outline Template [DOCX].
- Save the outline template to your desktop using the following file name format:
- LastName_PE4_[FILE TYPE].[file extension]
- Example file name: Smith_PE4_DOC.docx
- Review the outline guidelines that you will use to create an outline.
- Use the template provided to develop your narration outline.
- LastName_PE4_[FILE TYPE].[file extension]
- Include these key elements:
- Slide number.
- Slide title.
- Slide content.
- You may use the provided Narration Outline Template [DOCX]or create a similar template in another software.
- Write short bullet points, not long paragraphs, in the Narration column of the Narration Outline Template.
- Focus only on the key points presented on the slides of your presentation.
- Remember that the content should focus on how social media can be leveraged to help an organization improve in areas such as sales, performance, culture, and positive image.
- Save all the changes you made to your Presentation Narration Outline with the file name of LastName_PE4_ [FILE TYPE].[file extension] and submit the file to this Professional Experience: Presentation Narration Outline assignment by the deadline.
Week 6 Assignment – PowerPoint Presentation
For this assignment, you will complete the PowerPoint presentation you developed in Week 5. As discussed in Week 5, the PowerPoint will inform how social media can help an organization improve in areas such as sales, performance, culture, or positive image. Your audience is the same manager; someone who is familiar with social media but wants to learn more about how they can use it to help their organization reach its goals.
Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 12–18 slides including:
- A title slide.
- An agenda slide.
- Body content slides.
- Conclusion slide.
- A sources slide.
All slides count toward the required length. Start with your slide deck from the Week 5 assignment. Incorporate feedback you received from the professor and expand the presentation for this assignment.
- Revise your slide deck from Week 5 presentation, taking your professor’s feedback into account.
- Revise the title slide.
- Revise the agenda slide.
- Revise the introduction slide.
- Develop 10–15 body slides for your presentation that inform a manager how social media can be used to help an organization reach its goals.
- Overview of issue or opportunity.
- How a selected social media can be leveraged to resolve an issue or leverage an opportunity to help a company reach its goals.
- As you develop your presentation, refer to the general design requirements found in Chapter 12 of your BCOM
- Your presentation must be submitted in .PPT or .PPTX format. Other submission formats will be returned ungraded. Incorrectly formatted file submissions may be corrected and resubmitted for late credit.
- Focus your work on clarity, writing mechanics, professional language, and appropriate style.
The PowerPoint presentation must adhere to the following requirements:
- Content:
- Revise the first three slides of a presentation that addresses the use of social media in the workplace.
- Include the title of the presentation, your name, and the presentation date on the title slide.
- List the key points that outline the structure of your presentation on the agenda slide.
- Provide an overview of the presentation purpose and its context to the target audience in the introduction slide.
- Cover the purpose and key points of the presentation in 10–15 body slides with illustrations, images, and graphs/charts that reinforce the key points and purpose.
- Use Figure 12.1 Process for Planning, Preparing, and Rehearsing Presentation in the BCOM text as a guide for developing your presentation.
- Use Figure 12.2 Presentation Planner in the BCOM text to organize the content for your presentation.
- Use Figure 8.1 Inductive Outline Used in Persuasive Messages Sent in Written, Electronic, or Spoken Formin the BCOM text as a guide while developing the presentation purpose and key points.
- Conclude the presentation using a single slide for the closing that contains a one-sentence wrap-up statement reinforcing the purpose of the presentation.
- Provide the required number of two references; all references are peer-reviewed, academic references that are added to a sources slide after your closing slide using the Strayer Writing Standards.
- Revise the first three slides of a presentation that addresses the use of social media in the workplace.
- Format:
- The presentation should be a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 18 slides including the title and sources slides.
- Format your PowerPoint with headings on each slide, use 10–20 graphics throughout, and ensure the presentation adheres to visual best practices as outlined in BCOM.
- Use images, graphs/charts, and illustrations as appropriate to support the purpose and key points.
- Figure 12.3Designing Compelling Slides in the BCOM text as a guide to slide design.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Slides should cite any relevant outside sources in SWS format requiring in-text citations on slides and a sources slide at the end of the presentation.
Review your work with the rubric/scoring guide before submitting your assignment to check that your work meets all the grading requirements.
Remember to run a spelling and grammar check before submitting your assignment. Check with your professor if you have any additional questions.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Develop presentation skills for use in the professional environment.
Week 5 Case Study | The MOST Super Secrets to the Secret Sauce of Stats Success
Create and calculate the following in Excel®:
1 Conduct a goodness of fit analysis which assesses orders of a specific item by size and items you received by size.
- Conduct a hypothesis test with the objective of determining if there is a difference between what you ordered and what you received at the .05 level of significance.
- Identify the null and alternative hypotheses.
2 Generate a scatter plot, the correlation coefficient, and the linear equation that evaluates whether a relationship exists between the number of times a customer visited the store in the past 6 months and the total amount of money the customer spent.
- Set up a hypothesis test to evaluate the strength of the relationship between the two variables.
- Use a level of significance of .05.
3 Use the regression line formula to forecast how much a customer might spend on merchandise if that customer visited the store 13 times in a 6 month period. Consider the average monthly sales of 2014, $1310, as your base to:
- Calculate indices for each month for the next two years.
- Graph a time series plot.
4 In the Data Analysis Toolpak, use Excel’s Exponential Smoothing option.
- Apply a damping factor of .5, to your monthly sales data.
- Create a new time series graph that compares the original and the revised monthly sales data.
Don’t forget to access the STEP BY STEP instructions for each of the four case study questions embedded in the conversations area for this assignment, click on the small icon in the upper right corner of your screen that looks like a person with a square talk balloon next to its head. Why do it yourself? Let’s do it TOGETHER!
Don’t Go Extinct! Rowr!
Week 4 Case Study – Happy Holiday Stats Success
You manage human relations for your company. One of your sales managers has retired, leaving an opening in the organization. You are considering two different employees for the position. Both are highly qualified, so you have decided to evaluate their sales performance for the past year.
Using the week 4 data set,, create and calculate the following in Microsoft® Excel®:
1 Determine the range of values in which you would expect to find the average weekly sales for the entire sales force in your company 90% of the time, and calculate the following:
- The impact of increasing the confidence level to 95%
- The impact of increasing the sample size to 150, assuming the same mean and standard deviation, but allowing the confidence level to remain at 90%
2 Based on the calculated confidence interval for weekly sales on the sample of 50 reps at a 90% confidence level, calculate the following:
- Both reps’ average weekly performance, highlighting if it is greater than the population mean
3 In order to decide who to promote, determine whether there is a statistically different average weekly sales between Sales Rep A and Sales Rep B by doing the following:
- Create null and alternative hypothesis statements that would allow you to determine whether their sales performance is statistically different or not.
- Use a significance level of .05 to conduct a t-test of independent samples to compare the average weekly sales of the two candidates.
- Calculate the p-value.
4 Considering the individual you did just promoted, do the following:
- Determine whether this person’s average weekly sales are greater than the average weekly sales for the 50 sales reps whose data you used to develop confidence intervals.
- Create null and alternative hypothesis statements that would allow you to determine whether this person’s weekly average sales are greater than the sample of Sales Reps.
- Use a significance level of .05 to conduct a t-test of independent samples to compare the average weekly sales of both.
- Calculate the p-value.
Week 04 Assignment – Annotated Bibliography
Choose a problem in your clinical area that you wish to research. Search online databases for five (5) research studies that have been done on the problem you are interested in studying from primary peer reviewed journals. These studies should have been done within the last 10 years.
Write an annotated bibliography of the articles you have found. Review the instructions below and the grading rubric before beginning the assignment.
- Begin your paper with a title page. Cite your articles in alphabetical order. After each citation write a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph. The purpose of the annotation is to let the reader know of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the studied being reviewed. In the article summary include:
- the statement of the research problem and research questions,
- the type of study, population studied and findings.
- Then assess the articles by commenting about the authors, the significance of the problem addressed, reliability of information and any study bias.
- Conclude with a reflection on the article. How well does it fit your problem? Was it helpful and how can the article be used to answer your research question?
The length of your paper should not exceed 5 pages, double spaced. It should be written in APA style with a title page. As you are citing your articles references within the paper, no reference page is needed. For additional information about writing annotated bibliographies click on the hyperlink below.