Category Archives: Research Papers

Public Health question

Chapter 6

     Every day your body needs certain essential nutrients that it cannot manufacture for itself.

The six classes of essential nutrients are _________________,_________________,_________________,


___________________ makes up 60% of the body.

___________________ is the basic framework for muscles, bones, blood, hair, and fingernails.

Carbohydrates are organic compounds that provide our brains and bodies with __________________

their basic fuel.

Fats carry the fat soluble vitamins which are _______,_______,________, and _________.

________________ is a dangerous dietary fat.

________________ are substances that prevent the damaging effects of oxidation in cells.

They include vitamins_________, ______________, and _________________.

A__________________________ is a specific amount of food that contains the quantity  of nutrients described on the Nutrition Facts label.

Chapter 7

     Two thirds of Americans are considered to be overweight.  A person is considered to be overweight if they have a BMI of ____________or higher.

A Healthy diet:  avoids ___________________fat

                             Eat fewer_______________ carbs and more _____________ carbs.

                             Eliminate ___________________ and drink water instead.

Many people use food as a way of coping with anger, frustration, and stress, boredom, and fatigue.

List some situations people eat emotionally____________________________________________




A ________________________________is a person who cannot stop putting food in their mouth.

___________________________ is the rapid consumption of an abnormally large amount of food in a relatively short time.

_____________________________________ is a psychological disorder in which refusal to eat and or extreme loss of appetite leads to malnutrition, severe weight loss, and possibly death.

_____________________________________ is episodic binge eating, often followed by forced vomiting or laxative abuse.

Chapter 8

     Physical fitness is the ability to respond to routine physical demands with enough reserve energy to cope with a sudden challenge.

We achieve _______________________________ fitness through aerobic exercise.

_______________________ is the maximum weight one can lift, push, or press in one effort.

Exercise may boost the production of mood-elevating brain chemicals known as ___________________.

_______________________ is a condition in which the bones become increasingly soft and porous making them susceptible to injury.

The best way to reduce your body fat is to add a ____________________________ workout to your exercise routine.  Page 245

The benefits of flexibility include_________________________________________,




Management Question

I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.

I need a 6-8 slide on Team Leadership. I need it done by tom



Computer Systems Question

The Splunk Online Training provided by the team of Igmguru includes the complete aspects of Splunk developer along with the various administration and services. Eager to know, what is splunk? then don’t wait and enroll for the Splunk Course provided by IgmGuru, then you should count on the words like Splunk installation and Configuration, Splunk Syslog, Syslog Server, log analysis, Splunk dashboard installation and configuration of Splunk. With all these things covered well in one’s Splunk Certification Course, it is definitely an easy manner for the individual to make sure things are happening really well.


Engineering question

A report is needed with the following instruction:

Write up should include an introduction (abstract) outlining the contents of the report and summarizing the work performed
The body of the report should include a presentation of the technology and a functional description of the system, with a 1-2 line description of each component in the system
Include a functional flow diagram of the system
Include a description of identified technical problems and how they were or were not able to be overcome
Include a write up of any tests performed to verify functionality
Include a write up of the results of the testing and any modifications that were made based on these tests
Include a summary of the final results and overall functionality

This project, once again, is designed to help you get a better understanding of some of the theory we have been covering in class by having you build a part of the OFDM receive chain as would be used in a wireless communication device. We can then build on this for the final projects and ultimately get to the point where you can explore security aspects of wireless systems at various layers of the protocol stack. You will be building pieces of the OFDM receiver (LTE in this case) we covered in class in SP6 & 7 (particularly slides 43 and 44 of SP6, and slides 6 and 7 of SP7). The only piece you will not be constructing is the downconverter (that is the section of the receiver from the antenna, the modulator (mixer), and ADC block in Figure 4.3 or equivalently the “Analog[ue] receiver“ block in the second figure below. Project: Build the following OFDM processing chain components in Matlab: Steps your code must perform: 1. You will be given one subframe of the downconverted received data (after the “Analogue receiver” in the figure above). You will first perform a cyclic prefix removal from each received OFDM symbol (i.e., ‘transmitted OFDM symbol from the last project). This is the exact opposite process you performed in the last project. However, in order to more closely simulate a more realistic LTE receiver, the first CP for a given slot in each subframe will be 5.2usec and the remaining CPs will be 4.7usec. 2. You will perform the Serial to Parallel (S/P) conversion. 3. Calculate the Forward FFT. 4. For the Resource Element Selection block: you will simulate receiving Control Channel information (put together by the MAC layer) which tells you which Resource Blocks (RBs) multiplexed within the system bandwidth are intended for your receiver. The other RBs are intended for other receivers in the range of the base station (transmitter) and are not to be decoded by your receiver. Normally this control channel information would be differentiated by the receiver (as to whether it is intended for you or not by the control element headers of the PDCCH (Physical Downlink Control CHannel) being encoded with your device’s Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (TMSI). However, in this case, you will be using the following scheme to determine where to look for your data by the following steps: a. You will be given three numbers that represent your Resource Block allocation. In order to make this work for our class, we will be allocating the blocks differently than a real system. Your three numbers will represent an index (base 10) of where to find the data destined for you. The cell has a 20MHz total system bandwidth with 100 Resource Blocks (180kHz * 100 = 18 MHz with a 1 MHz guard band on each end). i. So, if your numbers were 2, 5, and 9, your information would be found in Resource Blocks (11 – 20), (41 – 50), and (81 – 90). ii. That is, resource blocks are numbered 1 – 100 with the first ten being associated with index 1, second 10 being associated with the second set of ten, etc. RB1 represents the lowest part of the system bandwidth and RB100 represents the highest part of the system bandwidth. iii. Each block of 10 resource blocks will be also allocated a specific modulation scheme and the scheme will not change for the entire subframe. So, for example, RB1-RB10 could be carrying QPSK modulated data and RB11-RB20 could be 32QAM. This will hold for the first slot of data in the subframe and the second slot of data in the subframe. This information would also normally be given to you on the PDCCH, however, we will be telling you the modulation associated for a given set of RBs. b. You will be using these three index numbers to control your Resource Element Selection (de-mux) to pull out the desired Resource Blocks. 5. To take into account the “Propagation Channel” you will be performing a “Phase Removal” step. This information usually comes from the Channel Estimation block, but we will be providing you with a phase estimate for the channel. This is ‘extra’ phase the channel imposes on the transmitted signal, so you will need to remove this ‘extra’ phase to align the data before performing the demodulation step. As you know the channel also imposes other effects on the signal, but we will not be dealing with frequency or multipath variations. Amplitude variations will come in to play due to noise. 6. You will then perform the Parallel to Serial (P/S) conversion. 7. Perform the proper demodulation for your RBs (turn the modulation symbols back into bits). Perform the ‘symbols to bits’ mapping using [3GPP TS 36.211 Section 7.1.1 – 7.1.4] as your source for the definition of the given modulation schemes 8. You will then decode the received bits into 8-bit ASCII characters (again for ease of our simulation we are only using ACII-encoded bits) to determine the received information. 9. You will be submitting a Matlab string that represents your received information along with the code that you wrote. You will again be assuming a sample rate of fs = 30.72MHz and sub-carrier bandwidth of 15kHz. That is, the ‘received data’ you are given represent data sampled at a 30.72MHz sampling rate. There will be some “noise” imposed on the ‘received signal’ so that there may be some resulting bit errors which will lead to some mistakes in our received data. As you know, noise changes the phasor associated with a given modulation symbol. This is an easy way to demonstrate the importance of CRC, FEC, and HARQ techniques in our wireless communication systems. This isn’t as complicated as it sounds and working through the concepts will help you understand what we covered in class. I will be posting a grading rubric. You will be submitting your code and decoded output string. We will check that against what you should have received (bit errors included) to assist in grading your project work. There will be points for your code design (meaning I don’t want it to be sloppy and/or really inefficient).


Benchmark-Leading a Continuously Changing Organization

You have just been hired as the chief executive officer (CEO) in a medium-sized organization. The organization is not suffering financially, but neither is it doing as well as it could do. This is largely because the organization is stagnated in old ideas having not kept pace with the changing standards of the sector it serves. It does; however, have a handful of new employees who are eager to see the organization modernize. The organization also has several long-time employees who have remained with the company through the good times and the bad. The board of directors feels a sense of loyalty and obligation to these steadfast individuals, but the board also knows that moving some parts of the operation “off-shore” would be better for the organization. In this assignment, you will discuss how you as a leader would direct this organization through the changes that are necessary for its survival.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

  • This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.

  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


Write a paper of 1,250-1,500 words that describes how you would lead the organization described above. Include the following in your paper:

  1. A discussion of the foundational leadership theories upon which you would draw to lead this organization. (Benchmarks C1.1:Assess and synthesize historical foundations of leadership theories and their applications.)

  2. A discussion of the application of foundational leadership theories to diverse populations and settings. How would you apply the appropriate theory to the above scenario? (Benchmarks C1.3: Identify and apply foundational theories in diverse settings.)

  3. A discussion of how you would assess the effectiveness of those foundational leadership theories and adapt them to the diverse populations and settings represented in the above scenario. (Benchmarks C1.4: Assess the effects of leadership theories and propose adaptations based on those assessments.)

  4. A statement of how your leadership skills and style would be an asset or drawback to your effectiveness as a leader in this environment. (Benchmarks C1.2: Assess and recognize one’s own leadership skills and how those skills naturally become an asset or a drawback to becoming an effective leader.)


Mechanical Engineering question

All the needed informarion is included in the files.

The MATLAB file is needed to be uploded when you are done.



Statistics question

You will be creating your very own research experiment! You will select a topic (from the list provided), and create a hypothesis which will then be tested by using a survey questionnaire. We will follow traditional guidelines for conducting research, with the addition of a little “make-believe.” In a real-world setting, the surveys you will be creating during this assignment would need to go through an approval process with the UCF Institutional Review Board (IRB) before being circulated publicly. We will not be actually engaging participants, therefore we will not need to complete that step for our project. Again, DO NOT actually have participants complete a survey, the results are all hypothetical!


Please read through the overview below. It is very detailed to assist you in getting the best grade possible! We have also included a template for you to follow to aid in making this project a little easier to put together.

The Survey Research Design must include:

  • Topic: Please select ONE of the topics listed below. These are very broad topics, designed to get your brains thinking. If you feel strongly/are very interested in a topic that is not part of the list, please contact Lead TA Mira as she may grant exceptions.

    • Topic List: Addiction, Aging, Anxiety, Bullying, Color Theory, Depression, Gender Roles, Habits, Intelligence, Learning, Memory, Motivation, Parenting Styles, Personality, Prejudice and Discrimination, PTSD, Sleep and Mental Health, Social Media, Stress, Violent Medium and Children

  • Hypothesis: Form a complete hypothesis that is related to your topic of choice. The hypothesis should be much more specific than your topic. The hypothesis should be clear, exact, and directional. It should be testable using a Questionnaire survey, as that will be your method of experimentation.

  • Variables: List and label both the Independent (IV) and Dependent (DV) variables that will be tested in this experiment.

  • Operational Definitions: List all operational definitions that are relevant to your experiment. Explain these definitions and how they are related to your experiment.

  • Participants: Include the participants that you will be surveying. Be as specific as possible. This can include but is not limited to age, gender, socio-economic class, number of participants, and how they were selected (what was the process of being part of the survey). Do NOT use college students as your participants unless it is relevant to your study.

  • Survey Questions: Write ten (10) well-thought-out and written questions that you would include on the survey for your research experiment. This should not include basic questions of demographics, such as age, gender, etc. Explain how each question tests your hypothesis or is instrumental to the experiment/survey.

  • Results: REMINDER: DO NOT ACTUALLY COMPLETE YOUR SURVEY. These results are hypothetical. Describe what type of answers you would expect from your questions if you had data that supported your hypothesis. Essentially, what would you results look like. Additionally, describe what type of answers you would expect to see from your questions if the data did NOT support your hypothesis.

  • Sources: Include two (2) scholarly, peer reviewed articles that are pertinent to your topic and your hypothesis. Cite them correctly in APA format, 7th edition.

  • Summation: Briefly summarize the information from your sources and explain how it shaped your hypothesis, methodical approach, and creation of your survey questions. This section should be approximately 150-200 words.


Writing question

Listen to Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Opus 67

1. Listen to the first movement:

I. Allegro con Brio (lively tempo, with spirit)

2. Then listen to the final movement:
IV. Allegro (Rondo)

Then — in your own words, don’t use internet sources — describe the similarities and differences in both of these movements. And compare this to the Mozart symphony we listened to, in class.

So… no need to discuss instrumentation, or those details. I want to know what you got out of this by listening to this great symphony and, specifically, the outer movements (I. & IV)

You can prepare this as a Word documentary and email it to me here.


Developing a New Health Care System

A new island has been discovered in the Pacific Ocean. This island is approximately the size of Texas and has a temperate climate. United Nations officials have deemed this new land mass to be its own sovereign nation and have established a fledgling government made up of bureaucrats from nations all over the world. The island was uninhabited when discovered, but since its discovery has grown in population to about 25 million people when its borders were closed. This new nation has appointed your group to oversee the formation of its national health care system.

Your assignment is to develop a new health care system based on the examples of the countries described in Chapter 10. Do not just pick one health care system already established by a country, but take strategies from each country you find to be the best and develop your own, new heath care system. You must rationalize your final decision for each area. Your new healthcare system should specifically address the following health care issues:

  • Financing

  • Reimbursing

  • Providing

  • The assignment is to be completed in paragraph form, meaning written with words like a book and not just a list of bullet points. There are no right or wrong answers. The final project must identify which country the idea and justification came from to address each health care issue.

  • The information in the paper must be based on information in the text, but may be supported by outside, SCHOLARLY sources.

  • Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced, 1 inch margins

  • Any citations must be in proper APA format

  • Proper sentence style, grammar, word usage, and punctuation should be used

  • Complete sentences must be used

  • can use website too


CMPEN 462 Mini-Project #2: Basic OFDM Receiver

CMPEN 462 Mini-Project #2: Basic OFDM Receiver

This project, once again, is designed to help you get a better understanding of some of the
theory we have been covering in class by having you build a part of the OFDM receive chain as
would be used in a wireless communication device. We can then build on this for the final
projects and ultimately get to the point where you can explore security aspects of wireless
systems at various layers of the protocol stack.
You will be building pieces of the OFDM receiver (LTE in this case) we covered in class in SP6 & 7
(particularly slides 43 and 44 of SP6, and slides 6 and 7 of SP7). The only piece you will not be
constructing is the downconverter (that is the section of the receiver from the antenna, the
modulator (mixer), and ADC block in Figure 4.3 or equivalently the “Analog[ue] receiver“ block
in the second figure below.



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