Category Archives: Research Papers

Art Question

The comparison essay should answer the question, “How are objects similar?” and “How are objects different?” The key to a good compare and contrast essay is to organize the sentences by theme where both works of art are discussed all the way through. What are the themes? You can choose any of the formal qualities – such as style, material, size, use of line, etc. that you already read about in Assignment #6. You also should include a discussion of the objects’ functions and meanings. So why is the theme of athletics and the body important? How does each artwork depict the human body? Why?

The essay pair should be minimum two pages in length, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1 inch margins.

**Remember, the most important thing is to discuss the works together. So for example, if you make a point that the subject matter is similar – you need to explain why that is important and talk about both works together. Or if the subject matter is different – why is it different? what is being portrayed in each work?…

(Use only these two links to compare the two art objects. They are videos which you can either watch or open on youtube and use the transcript)


ECOM402 – E-Supply Chain Management

ECOM402 – E-Supply Chain Management

Presentation Topic:

Customer-Centric Supply Chains. Too Risky to Build? Or Too Risky Not To?”

For the presentation there are some requirements which you need to follow:

There should be a minimum of 10 slides in the presentation with a good background design, readable font size, and style with the appropriate color.

The presentation must have the following format:


§Student’s Info Page description

§Introduction of the topic

§Description of SCM and Future approach

§SCM and Customer Centric approach

§Define customer centric process

§Challenges being faced by experts

§Possible solutions and suggestions





Design an e-portfolio


For this assignment, you will use the website to create an e-portfolio. Username: mtuno003 Password: Ms780066_ click on the tab “Learn” on the left side of the screen. Then, click on “Tutorials” on the left, top side of the screen. View the Creat/ Edit LiveBinder Tutorial. Watch the tutorial. Make sure to follow the directions below.

Design an e-portfolio to be used with preschool children. Include (1) sections or dividers for the portfolio, (2) the types of teacher assessments you would use, and (3) a description of how you would report the child’s progress to parents. Put in hypothetical contents in each section for an imaginary child. Write a narrative report to summarize the child’s progress based on entries in the portfolio.

  1. Then, share your e-portfolio by saving the link in a PDF file and posting your document in the discussion board.


Computer Science question


Case Analysis Write a 1,000 word essay on one of the following options and the following analysis.

Select a company with a significant e-commerce component. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of their e-commerce strategy using strategic analysis tools gained in this course and other courses that can enrich this analysis.Discuss such issues as the strategic choices they have made to achieve competitive advantage and their ability to actually realize this advantage as they have executed their strategy. Discuss whether you believe their chosen strategy is sustainable.

Analysis Using Microsoft as an example, discuss some of the challenges they have faced from disruptive innovation. What were these disruptive business models? Critique how Microsoft has responded to potential disruptive threats. Did they recognize these threats in a timely fashion? If not, what factors might have caused their blindness to these disruptive influences? Where has Microsoft been effective in addressing challenges from disruptive business models? If you were a high-level consultant to senior leadership at Microsoft, what recommendations would you offer in terms of emerging threats from disruptive technologies? (approx. 600 word essay)


English question

Choose a discourse community. Please choose a community with which you are unfamiliar and would like to learn more about. then Conduct 30-minute interview. In preparation for the interview, you will develop interview questions (these are different from your research question). so, in this assignment I want you to do a transcript of questions and answers. And make long to be for 30 minutes interview. I chose the community which is about farming. So, Make the interview with a farmer.


Law Question

Research Paper Instructions

In this assignment, you will select only one (1) topic : a serial murderer or a policy.

  • If you select a serial murderer, you will write a 3-4 page biography of the individual followed by a 11-14 page analysis of at least 3 theories that might be used to explain why the individual committed the crimes they committed. Each theory must be explained in reference to the individual’s biography and in great detail.

  • If you select a current criminal justice policy (i.e., three-strikes laws), you will write a 3-4 page description of the policy followed by a 11-14 page analysis of at least 3 theories that might have been used as a foundation for that policy. Each theory must be explained in reference to the policy and in great detail.

In other words, as noted in the constraints above, you will have some limited flexibility in choosing your topic.  The research paper should be between 16 and 18 pages, making sure that you fit in that range.  The project must use current APA style and appropriate headings are expected.  The page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra material. You must incorporate a Christian Worldview throughout your paper or have a specific section of your paper dedicated to Christian Worldview.  You must use a minimum of 15-20 recent, relevant, and academic (peer review journals preferred and professional journal allowed if used judiciously) sources with at least 1 source being the Holy Bible and no more than 2 books.  This paper must reflect doctoral level research and writing style.  Please reference the Research Paper Rubric when creating your research paper.


History Question

Reflection Paper Nine (300 words and 3-paragraph format): (Don’t forget to use 300 words and a three-paragraph format!) (cite any sources outside of lecture)

We covered many of the “highlights” of Europe’s World War II in class lecture videos. Pick one of these that you find particularly significant, either as a turning point or as an event emblematic of the conflict, and explain why you think it is particularly important. If you choose to, you can discuss how Nazi mass murder changed the world instead. Don’t forget to cite sources outside your notes!!!!!!!!!!! You may find Chapter 26 in the main text book helpful. Also, see readings titled “Memories of the Holocaust” in Chapter 26 of the Sources book.


Importance of creating a diverse workforce ABSTRACT

Research Project/Presentation:

Students will conduct original research that investigates one or more aspects of health care human resource management. The research project consists of a (1) project proposal, (2) an abstract, and (3) a PowerPoint Presentation posted in our Moodle course.

The topic of the research paper should focus on an aspect of human resource management that you are not familiar with and would like to learn more about. This is not an exercise to produce a paper for the professor to read. This is a learning opportunity for you.

Students are required to utilize 5 resources

Please read last sentence: I only need a one paragraph summary.

Students will then submit an abstract (5 points). This is a one-paragraph, self-contained summary of the most important elements of the presentation. Key words should be indicated

topic: Importance of creating a diverse workforce.


Marketing Management MGT201

Marketing Management MGT201

  1. Are you loyal to some of the brands? If so, pick any one of your choice and explain why you believe you are loyal to, beyond that you simply like the brand. If not, pick a brand that you like and explain how you would feel and act differently toward the brand if you were loyal to it. Critically Examine.       (2.5 Marks: Minimum 250 Words)

  1. You have been sitting in the waiting room of your mechanic’s shop for more than an hour. With the knowledge that products are different from services, develop a list of the things the shop manager could do to improve the overall service delivery. Critically examine how the shop might overcome problems associated with the tangibility, separability, heterogeneity, and perishability of services. (2.5 Marks: Minimum 250 Words)



CAS CS 460: Introduction to Database Systems

CAS CS 460: Introduction to Database Systems

Problem 1. (20 points)
Consider a hard disk drive that has 5 double-sided platters, each surface has 1000 tracks, each
track has 256 sectors of size 1024 bytes. Each block (disk page) comprises of 8 sectors. The seek
time between adjacent tracks in 1ms and the average seek time between two random tracks is
25ms. The disk rotates at a speed of 7200 rpm (revolutions per minute).
Assume that we have a file of size 1 MB and it contains 2048 equal-sized records.
1. What is the size of a block? How many records fit in a block? How many blocks are required
to store the entire file?
2. What is the capacity of each cylinder? How many records can be stored on the disk (total)?
3. If the file is stored “sequentially”, how long will it take to read the whole file? Assume that
for sequential writes data are written in adjacent cylinders (or tracks) once a cylinder (track)
is full.
4. If the blocks in the file are spread “randomly” across the disk, how long will it take to read
the whole file?



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