Category Archives: Research Papers

ACG 3131 Intermediate Financial Accounting

This is for the course Intermediate Accounting I. which is a pretty tough course.

There will be 30 questions to answer in about 2 hours.

March 31 at 9 pm EST


April 1st at 1 am GMT

Some topics that you must know are:

Technical knowledge about accounting measurement and disclosure, as well as how financial statements are analyzed and interpreted by external users

Please ONLY accept this job if you’re 100% confident about doing it. Any grade lower than 85 will result to a BAD REVIEW and REFUND.


Javascript Question

syntax and comments explaing code for each task and screen shots of outcome per task .tasks answers separated showing please.Functional components should be applied not classical .you can use stackblitz
Task 1
Create a React component Customer.js.
Using the props parameters, add the following attributes (String type) for the component:
id, name, address, companyName, registrationDate.
As part of App.js create one instance of the Customer component to display a customer
Use arbitrary data of your choice.
[10 marks]
Task 2
Create a UI panel React component CustomerPanel.js.
Add the panel component to App.js.
Attempt the following:
Create Hook Expressions React.useState(”); to create setter methods for the attributes:
id, name, address, companyName, registrationDate.
Add data entry  text fields with data binding for the attributes (add onChange
event handler for each text field).
Add a button event handler to read the data entered, in a window.alert pop up panel.
[15 marks]
Task 3
Create a React Component Customers.js, to display customers.
In the props for the component, provide Json data for the customer instances to be
Use the =>

) operator to list the customers along with details.

Add the component to App.js, providing arbitrary data of your choice for 3 records to be

displayed in the component.

[10 marks]

Task 4


Modify your code for the button event handler in CustomerPanel component, to display a

list of customers entered in a table layout.

[15 marks]


Writing Argumentative Essay

1. Writing 4 paragraphs argumentative essay, including a clear outline with emphasis on a focused and specific thesis statement and a topic sentence for each paragraph.

2. Using convincing arguments and illustrate them with clear examples.

3. THE SUBJECT is: Can humanity get rid of the internet and continue developing?


WordPress question

I have a blog and would like to improve it. It is about making money online, etc. I do not have the knowledge to make a seo optimized site?


Social Media and News Question

The subject is about Social Media and News.

Your research needs reflect on the course-learning outcome listed in your course syllabus:

1- Explore the various types of Social Media Applications relevant to your topic

2- Recognize the different issues and risks of using Social Media under your topic umbrella

3- Identify the different approaches of web 2.0 or 3.0 technologies supporting social media in

your topic area

4- Apply different strategies for successful social media applications in your research area

5- Identify the different privacy and security options of social media application in your.


Reflective Writing Task

question : If there is another pandemic of the magnitude (or worse) of COVID-19, should research laboratories disregard bioethical scrutiny to find vaccines as fast as possible? Refer to Pinker in our response.

Rationale: For the next 7 weeks of the course (weeks 6-12) each week’s lecture gives a contextual background to a set reading. That reading opens up a way of discussing many social issues where thoughtful moral reasoning could assist in finding a way forward. At the end of each lecture there will be a discussion question posted and your task is to compose an answer which critically engages with the reading, in a way which demonstrates your moral reasoning.

You do not have to use the concepts from week 1-5 as they have already been assessed, but you may. You will be marked on three key areas.

  • Clarity of answer

  • Familiarity and engagement with reading and lecture material

  • Demonstration of moral reasoning

Task: After each lecture from weeks 6-12 a discussion question will be posted. You are to compose a 400-500 word response to that question and submit it to the appropriate Turnitin link within 1 week. (There will be 2 weeks for the first 2 tasks). Only your best 5 responses will count towards the final mark. That is, if you submit 7/7 responses we will mark them all and count your top 5, and if you submit 5/7 we will mark all of the submissions.

Drafting policy: If you book with your tutor to meet in their consult they can mark the first response you submit. The onus is on you to request the marking, and it can only be done in conversation in a consultation (whether that be online or in person). Otherwise, as a final piece of assessment grades are withheld until the university releases them (I can’t control that, it is Bond’s policy). You can seek advice from your tutor in consult, beyond that first marking, but your tutor cannot mark your draft. Rather consult could be used to brainstorm ideas, inquire into the meaning of a part of the reading, or seek clarification on some aspect of the content.

Weighting: 30% (6 marks for each response up to 5 responses)

Academic Integrity: Bond’s academic integrity policy applies. By submitting you are declaring that you are the sole author of the submission.


Cyber Security question

In this module, you learned that random numbers (or, at least, pseudorandom numbers) are essential in cryptography, but it is extremely difficult even for powerful hardware and software to generate them.

Go online and conduct research on random number generators. What are the different uses of these tools besides cryptography? How do they work? Explain your answer using your own words in 3 paragraphs.


Health & Medical question.

Article Review Assignment

(in lieu of in-person absence)


After reading the assigned article, write a two-to-three-page essay that includes your

review of the article. The essay should be typed and double-spaced. The essay must be a

Word document and should be submitted electronically to Desire to Learn within one

week of the associated absence.

Your review should include the following:

 Summary of the main points of the article.

 Accurate paraphrase of the article without plagiarizing the author.

 Statement of why the article is important to the field of physical education.

 Discussion of something you learned from the article and how you may benefit

from the information. In other words, how will this information affect your

teaching practice?

 Citation of the article in APA format


Engineering question

I will be attaching information that has been gathered about several stakeholders, and all these information must be included in well written and smoothly flowing paragraphs. This is a description of what the section must include:

This section will identify the stakeholders, and provide an analysis of their role in the project. A stakeholder is anyone that will be affected, in a positive or negative sense, by the project. Your goal is to analyse the situation and explain thoroughly who the stakeholders are, what their needs are, and how they will be affected by this project. A complete and thorough explanation of all stakeholders is required in this section. An influence vs interest chart may be included to help explain the stakeholders’ importance in the community and level of interest for the project. However, I need you to research how the local government might be a stakeholder in our project of building tourists shelters in Cape York, to add it to the section.


English question

You have to read the play “Trifles” and write a short essay (1250 words) in MLA style about how Glaspell explores the gender roles of the time and how they affect the character’s motivations.. This essay relies mainly on textual support from the primary text, but includes at least three secondary sources that support/sustain the student’s argument.


1. Need original

2. This is critical analysis not plot summary

What you’ll be graded upon:

15% Introduction: You establish a context for the significance of your thesis in regards to the literary work as a whole. How does your argument contribute to understanding the author’s major literary/thematic concerns? What can other readers learn from your analysis? How does your analysis/critique fit in with other critical responses of the author/literary work?

15% Thesis: You state your main point (or argument) in 1-2 sentences; the thesis is the culmination of your introduction.

30% Organization: Your essay should follow that of typical literary critiques:

Since your focus must be on analyzing some literary motif, theme, or a combination of literary elements (such as symbolism, character, setting, etc.), your essay must contain well-structured supporting paragraphs that contain a topic sentence, quotes from the primary text, at least one quote from three different sources, an explanation/discussion of the significance of each quote you use in relation to your thesis, and a concluding sentence or two that situates the entire paragraph in relation to the thesis. Your thesis will focus on some kind of critical analysis of the primary text, so your supporting paragraphs should contain quotes from the text that illustrate your thesis/argument; in addition, you should include at least one quote from three different secondary sources to support your argument. Do not simply sprinkle random quotes into your paper and then ignore them; your supporting paragraphs should be organized around each of the quotes you use, explaining the significance of the quotes and why (or how) they illustrate your main point, but you also need to make sure that your paragraphs contain strong transitions and at least six (or more) sentences.

10% Conclusion: Regardless of the argument you make, you want a conclusion that avoids summarizing what you’ve just said, and please avoid writing, “In conclusion.…” Your aim in a conclusion is to place the discussion in a larger context. For example, how might your critical analysis of a literary character relate to the other characters in a work? How might your thesis be applied to other aspects of the text, say for example, setting or symbolism?

15% Grammar and mechanics: Your paper avoids basic grammar mistakes, such as dropped apostrophes in possessives, subject/verb disagreement, arbitrary tense switches, etc. The paper demonstrates a commitment to proofreading by avoiding easy-to-catch typos and word mistakes (effect for affect, for example). The paper adheres to MLA formatting style for in-text and bibliographic citations.

15% Presentation: Your paper meets the minimum length criteria of 1200 words, is typed with a title and your name on it. You follow your individual professor’s instructions for formatting (margins, placement of the name, etc).

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