Computer Science Question
Answer the following questions.
Q1) Based upon the current state of the art of robotics applications, which industries are most likely to embrace robotics? Why?
Q2) There has been much focus on job protection through tariffs and trade negotiation recently. Discuss how and why this focus may or may not address the job changes coming due to robotics and AI technologies.
Q3) Laws rely on incentive structures to encourage prosocial behavior. For example, criminal law encourages compliance by punishing those who break the law. Patent law incentivizes the creation of new technologies by offering inventors a period of limited monopoly during which they can exclusively use their invention. To what extent do these (and other) incentives make sense when applied to AI? How can incentive structures be created to encourage AI devices to behave in prosocial manners?
Q4) To what extent do extralegal considerations come into play with regard to the above issues? Are there moral (or religious) dimensions to be considered when determining whether AI should be given rights similar to those of a person? Would AI-assisted law enforcement or court action erode faith in the criminal justice system and judiciary?
Q5) Adopting policies that maximize the value of AI encourages future development of these technologies Such a course, however, is not without drawbacks. For instance, determining that a “robot tax” is not a preferred policy choice would increase the incentive to adopt a robot workforce and improve any relevant technologies. Elevating the state of robotics is a laudable goal, but in this instance, it would come at the anticipated cost of reduced public funds. How should trade-offs such as these be evaluated? Where should encouragement of technological progress (especially regarding AI) fall in the hierarchy of government priorities?
Q6) Conduct online research to find at least one new robotics application in customer service. Prepare a brief summary of your research: the problem addressed, technology summary results achieved if any, and lessons learned.
Q7) Explain why it is useful to describe group work in terms of the time/place framework.
Q8) Describe the kinds of support that groupware can provide to decision-makers.
Q9) Explain why most groupware is deployed today over the Web.
Q10) Explain in what ways physical meetings can be inefficient. Explain how technology can make meetings more effective.
For questions, 11 refer to the attached case study and answer based on that.
Q11) Compare Simon’s four-phase decision-making model to the steps in using GDSS.