Construction Risks
Construction Risks
This is a list of 30 risks that impact Construction projects. This is not an exhaustive list but is a good
starting point for your risk register. It doesn’t include risks associated with particular areas of
construction for example right of way risks or environmental risks.
List of 30 Construction risks
• Aerially deposited lead (ADL) from historic use of leaded petrol/gasoline is discovered late.
• Changes require additional resources or different resources than predicted causing resourcing
• Choice of plant or cranes is found to be unsuitable during construction.
• Construction staging (storage) areas are not large enough.
• Contractual disputes between client and contractor or contractor and subcontractor.
• Deep excavations needed in bad ground leading to risk of collapse, falling materials etc.
• Designs for temporary excavation and shoring system are not correct
• Errors in method statements lead to delays.
• Errors in the quantity surveys.
• Failure to achieve the quality required and/or functional requirements of the build.
• Falsework design is not sufficient for example it is not complete or accurate.