Economics multi-part question
Format of the Project:
The Data Exercise must be posted to the LEO Student Assignments as a Attachments are limited
to a maximum two files in doc, docx., xls. xlsx., or rtf. formats. OTHER FORMATS ARE NOT
ACCEPTABLE, will not be reviewed or graded.
Please note that hand-written and scanned works, pdf. files, jpg. files, as well as files posted
in google drive, will not be accepted or graded.
Please note that starting from the Fall 2020 semester the UMGC moved to the 7th Edition
of the APA Style. The links to the 7th Edition of the APA Style methodology are posted in
Content – Course Resources – Writing Resources.
No more than 20% of the text of the project should be made up of quotes.
Please note that Use of the 7th Edition APA Citation Methodology is required for all parts of
the assignment
Written projects must be:
1. typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, with margins no
wider than one inch
2. have footnotes or endnotes, with correct citations
3. have a bibliography of sources used
4. include, for each entry, the author, title, city and state of publisher, publisher’s name,
year, and page numbers
5. prepared using word processing software (Microsoft Word preferred), in a manner similar
to the preparation of a written assignment for classroom submission