English Question

  1. Provide a list of at least 20 journals and 5 conferences that publish papers (or abstracts, in the case of conferences) about Production and Distribution Systems and/or applications.

  2. Indicate whether each journal or conference publishes primarily theoretical papers about the material covered in class, primarily applications papers arch, or a combination of theoretical and applied papers about the material. (You actually have to look at issues of the journal or some of the conference proceedings to be able to comment on the focus of the content therein.)

  3. Indicate which professional organization, if there is one, is associated with each journal and conference; list the url for the organization’s homepage on the internet.

  4. Indicate which of the journals and conference proceedings are available in the UCF Library and/or available online.

  5. Choose one journal paper and one conference paper about the material covered in class that have been published since 2000. Write a one-page, summary of each paper. (Please include a copy of the first page/abstract of each of the papers you summarize with your assignment.) For each paper you summarize, indicate what you find to be the most interesting aspect of the paper. If you cannot find a conference paper, review a second journal paper

  6. Upload a Microsoft ‘WORD’ document only, no pdf files!


Report Guidelines for Literature paper General Format

I expect professional reports that are well written and organized. USE THIS DOCUMENT AS A GUIDELINE FOR WHAT I EXPECT. Any mathematical details should only be represented using the Microsoft Equation tool or Mathtype Add-in for MS Office. I require all references be cited using either the APA format (6th Edition) or the IEEE format. I expect there to be a table of contents. Fonts

The report should be formatted with a line spacing of 2 lines (double spacing) using ‘Times New Roman’, ‘Calibri’, or ‘Cambria’ font. Title Page

The title page of the report should contain the name of the project (as in mini-case 1, mini-case 2, or Literature paper), the individual’s name, and the due date of the project. Header and Footer

The header and footer should be formatted in a manner similar to the syllabus such that relevant information about the project, group or individual and page numbers are presented. The top left of the header should contain class and project information as shown. The top right of the header should contain your name devoid of any honorifics. The bottom center of the footer should contain the page number.

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