MBA_1.3 – Jim’s Problem

MBA_1.3 – Jim’s Problem

MBA_1.3 – Jim’s Problem :Jim is a computer technician. He has worked at his current job for 6 months and is discontented with his coworkers, whom he sees as cold and unfriendly. In Jim’s previous job as a salesman, he prided himself on his ability to interact with people; Jim’s customers and coworkers loved his great sense of humor. His new coworkers seem annoyed by his jokes, and his attempts to make positive connections with them have so far been unsuccessful. He is finding that although he enjoys the technical aspects of his new job, he feels lonely and frustrated. His most recent effort to reconcile the rift between himself and his fellow employees came last weekend when he planned a party for his whole department on Friday night, but not one person attended.

Jim’s problem could have numerous causes, however, he suspects it has something to do with personality.


Write a short response in which you address Jim’s problem.

Offer Jim at least two possible explanations for his current frustration using information you have learned on personality in this week. Be sure to give him not just the possible cause but also some possible solutions to his problem!

Paper Specs

  • Putyour name in the upper-left corner of the paper, and indicate the number of words you wrote.
  • Format and cite references using APA style.
  • Write each answer in 1 brief paragraph.

Click the Submit Assignment link in the upper-right corner to upload your assignment.

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