Odessey Essasy

Write an essay which explores the role of narration in the Odyssey: “Hero as Narrator, Narrator as Hero”

Unlike Achilles, whose identity in The Iliad is determined by a single event, Odysseus is identified by his entire story. He narrates the fantastic part of The Odyssey in which he explores the nature of human community, the limits of human resourcefulness, and even the concept of mortality. Outside this inserted long story, Odysseus negotiates either diplomatically or strategically with presentations of himself that make use of his own experience. Even the strategem of the Trojan Horse involves a deceptive narrative which he has conceived. The stories Odysseus tells may be true or false, but they are always purposeful.

The essay should be 4-5 pages doublespaced (1000=1250 words). Quotations of more than a line should be singlespaced.



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