point-of-sale (POS) system in Java.

You have been hired by a company that manages a chain of grocery stores to develop a point-of-sale (POS) system in Java. The POS system should allow customers to purchase items from the store, while also tracking inventory levels and generating sales reports.


  • Start by defining a class called “Product” that represents a single item for sale in the grocery store. Each product should have fields to store its name, price, and inventory level.
  • Create a second class called “Cart” that represents the items that a customer has selected for purchase. Use a two-dimensional array to store the items in the cart, along with their quantities.
  • Implement an interface called “Discountable” that defines a method to calculate the discount on a product. Implement this interface in the “Product” class and override the method as needed for different types of products.
  • Create a third class called “Sale” that represents a single transaction at the grocery store. Each sale should have fields to store the customer’s name, the items in their cart, the total price of the sale, and any discounts applied.
  • Use the Java Collection Framework to store the products in the grocery store. Implement methods to add, remove, and search for products in the store.
  • Implement file I/O to read in the initial inventory levels for each product from a text file. Update the inventory levels as sales are made.
  • Use recursion to simulate the customer checkout process. The program should prompt the customer to select items for purchase, calculate the total price of the sale, and update the inventory levels.
  • Implement a method to generate a sales report for a given time period. The sales report should include information such as the total revenue, the most popular products, and the sales by category.
  • Allow customers to create and manage accounts with the store. Each customer account should store the customer’s name, contact information, and purchase history. When a customer checks out, their purchase history should be updated with the new sale.
  • Implement a rewards program for loyal customers. Customers who make frequent purchases should receive discounts or other rewards based on their purchase history.
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