Project Portifolio



You have recently been hired as a Chief Information Governance Officer (CIGO) at a large company (You may choose your industry).This is a newly created position and department within the organization that was founded on the need to coordinate all areas of the business and to provide governance of the information.You will need to hire for all positions within your new department.


The company has been in business for more than 50 years and in this time has collected vast amounts of data.Much of this data has been stored in hard copy format in filing cabinets at an offsite location but in recent times, collected business data is in electronic format stored in file shares.Customer data is being stored in a relational database, but the lack of administration has caused data integrity issues such as duplication.There are currently no policies in place to address the handling of data, business or customer. The company also desires to leverage the marketing power of social media, but has no knowledge of the types of policies or legal issues they would need to consider. You will also need to propose relevant metrics that should be collected to ensure that the information governance program is effective.


The CEO and Board of Directors have tasked you to develop a proposal (paper) that will give them the knowledge needed to make informed decisions on an enterprise-wide Information Governance program, addressing (at a minimum) all of these issues, for the company.




The paper should include at a minimum of the following sections:


  • You must include at least two figures or tables.These must be of your own creation. Do not copy from other sources.

  • Must cite at least 10 references and 5 must be from peer reviewed scholarly journals (accessible from the college Library).

Textbook: Chapter 13 – Information Governance for Social Media


Textbook: Chapter 14: Information Governance for Mobile Devices


Ahmed, J., Yildirim, S., Nowostaki, M., Ramachandra, R., Elezaj, O., & Abomohara, M. (2020). GDPR Compliant Consent Driven Data Protection in Online Social Networks: A Blockchain-Based Approach. 2020 3rd International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT), Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT), 2020 3rd International Conference on, ICICT, 307–312.


Elsayed, M., Abdelwahab, A., & Ahdelkader, H. (2019). A Proposed Framework for Improving Analysis of Big Unstructured Data in Social Media. 2019 14th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES), Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES), 2019 14th International Conference On, 61–65.


Jackson, O. (2018). GDPR: companies at risk over unstructured data. International Financial Law Review, N.PAG.


Limantara, N., Kosala, R., Ranti, B., & Supangkat, S. H. (2019). Human and Technology Factors in the Readiness to Use Smart Mobile Devices in Learning Activities. 2019 International Conference on ICT for Smart Society (ICISS), ICT for Smart Society (ICISS), 2019 International Conference On, 7, 1–5.


Rothstein, M. A., Wilbanks, J. T., Beskow, L. M., Brelsford, K. M., Brothers, K. B., Doerr, M., Evans, B. J., Hammack-Aviran, C. M., McGowan, M. L., & Tovino, S. A. (2020). Unregulated Health Research Using Mobile Devices: Ethical Considerations and Policy Recommendations. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 48, 196–226.


Shankar, A., & Kumari, P. (2019). A Study of Factors Affecting Mobile Governance (mGov) Adoption Intention in India using an Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). South Asian Journal of Management, 26(4), 71–94.

  • Describe how unstructured data impacts social networks

  • Identify legal and governance guidelines in using unstructured data

  • Explain the General Data Protection Regulation

  • Describe research in mobile device governance

  • Identify governance regulations when using health data

  • Explain mobile device computing

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