RES710: Week3 Discussion
Question 1
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:
- What is the difference between a normal distribution and a skewed distribution?
- What causes a skew and how might a researcher deal with skewed data?
- Under what conditions would it be acceptable to allow skewed variables in a research study?
Include your own experience as well as 2 citations that align with or contradict your comments as sourced from peer-reviewed academic journals, industry publications, books, and/or other sources. Cite your sources according to APA guidelines. If you found information that contradicts your experience, explain why you agree or disagree with the information.
Question 2
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:
- How will you use measures of central tendency in your dissertation research or professional practice? Cite specific examples of how you expect to apply this week’s topics.
Include your own experience as well as 2 citations that align with or contradict your comments as sourced from peer-reviewed academic journals, industry publications, books, and/or other sources. Cite your sources using APA formatting. If you found information that contradicts your experience, explain why you agree or disagree with the information.