Senior Project

  1. Team –Review the material of our course to help you select a business strategy. Look in the course documents module and review the busn460 capstone report-presentation document and the cobm_BUSN460_assessment rubric. You can also see the peer review form that you will be submitting in week 8 there as well.  

The six Porter’s Generic Strategies (Porter, 1985) are as follows.

  1. Broad differentiation

  2. Broad cost leader

  3. Niche cost leader

  4. Niche differentiation

  5. Cost leader with product life cycle focus

  6. Differentiation strategy with product life cycle focus

Name and describe your Strategy. What is the rationale for this choice?

Each company starts with five products in five very different market segments. The five market segments are as follows. Low-end, Traditional, High-end. Size, and Performance. Which market segment is your initial priority and why?

Team Management Plan
This section defines how the team will allocate assignments and talents. Students may have more than one role on the team.

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