STA/OPR 9750 Final Project Requirements

STA/OPR 9750 Final Project Requirements

Structural Requirements
• An R Markdown-based document with PDF output. Include and submit all code written and used,
either as embedded R Markdown segments with echo = FALSE if used for plotting or analysis, or
separately if used for retrieving and pre-processing data).
• At least 2 output pages of exploration (including figures), using tidyverse.
• At least 4 output pages of analysis and conclusion (including figures).
• At most 10 pages.
Figure Requirements
• At least 2 exploratory figures (at most 70% figures by volume of output).
• At least 2 model/analysis figures (at most 70% figures by volume of output).
Modeling Requirements
• At least 2 fitted advanced models/simulations. See me if this is an issue.
Final Project Evaluation1
Presentation (20% of total):
• Exploration of Data, and Written Analysis, 10%: Summary of dataset (subgroups, n, number
of variables, any limitations of the data, source of data, etc.) before modeling. Also, explanation and
justification of analyses used.
• Hypothesis and Conclusion, 10%: A statement of what you are looking for in the data, how you
addressed missing or corrupt data, what you discovered, whether you were correct, etc. This grade is
based on the quality of the hypothesis and presentation of findings, not just correctness.
Analysis (60% of total):
• Appropriateness, 20%: Are the analyses motivated by your hypothesis and the form of the data?
You should be able to answer why you did what you did, for example, a linear regression instead of
random forests or a time series.
• Technical Quality, 40%: Did the code do what you claim it did? Are there errors or bugs in the
code (programming or statistical)? Did you do model validation?



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