answer the following questions and then submit your answers directly on this document to your Project 1 assignments folder. Read the assignments in your “Physical Geology 2nd ed. online textbook from Chapter 1 (Introduction to Geology), Chapter 9 (Earth’s Interior), Chapter 10 (Plate Tectonics), and Chapter 18 (Geology of the Oceans). You are expected to use outside research sources from the Internet and my course “Webliography” (Content area). Make sure that you give APA-style citations for all research sources, including your textbook, that you used at the end of this project assignment.
1) List and briefly describe at least three types of evidence that supported Alfred Wegener’s “Continental Drift” hypothesis. You may have to do some research on this
2) What was the main objection from scientists to Wegener’s continental drift hypothesis?
3) How did the “Continental Drift Hypothesis” become “The Theory of Plate Tectonics”?
Define the terms, hypothesis and theory, and briefly explain the theory of plate tectonics.
Who must decide to accept or deny a scientific theory?
what newer technology was necessary for more evidence and proving plate tectonic theory? List and describe at least three (3).
4) What type of “force” (e.g., tension, compression, or shear) occurs at each type of plate boundary listed below? Which one of the three plate boundary types produced the San Andreas Fault and many of California’s earthquakes (use an “X” to show)? Give a geologic location as an example of each boundary type.
Divergent boundary: Force: Location example:
Convergent boundary: Force: Location example:
Transform boundary: Force: Location example:
5) What is your location by name __________________________________________
What is your location latitude & longitude? ________________________________
Which tectonic plate do you live on? ______________________________________
In what direction and speed is your plate location moving? ____________________
Which is the nearest plate boundary to your location? What plate boundary type is it?
6) What are the three types of “convergent” plate boundaries?
- a) Location example:
- b) Location example:
- c) Location example:
7) Briefly explain how the following geologic features or activity are evidence that support the theory of plate tectonics. Give a geologic location example of each.
Mid-ocean ridges:
Earthquake distribution:
Volcanic eruption locations:
8) Briefly define and describe each of the following “subduction” features. Give a geologic location example of each.
Trenches: Location example:
Volcanic island arcs: Location example:
Volcanic mountain ranges: Location example
9) The ancient supercontinent of Pangaea existed about 300 million years ago (300 my). Use online geologic research sources for consecutive map views of the breakup of Pangaea over the last 200 Ma (million years ago). Using these maps, describe how the following continental land masses and ocean basins have changed from 200 Ma (million years ago) to the present. Answer two (2) of the following:
Atlantic Ocean and Mid-Atlantic Ridge:
Africa and South America:
Eastern North America, Europe, and North Africa:
Mediterranean basin:
Indian Subcontinent:
- Explain how the Pacific Ocean basin and the Pacific “Ring of Fire” relate to the theory of plate tectonics. How will the Pacific plate change over the next several millions of years (my) into the future?
Make sure you use specific geologic locations to support your answer.