English Question

Instead of adding in lots of comments in yellow boxes, I just put an “a” in the box when I see a serious concern. Please note that if I highlight a problem one time —say I highlight in-text citation—you are responsible for double checking all other in-text citations as likely you have created the same pattern.

So how do you know what the “a” means?

I have created a master list of the common errors I am seeing in student papers.

Please copy down the NUMBERS that I have listed for you immediately below this section. Go to the master list that’s posted in Announcements. Write down on a piece of paper what each number represents. Again, these are the areas that you need to fix throughout your paper.

2, 3, 4, 7, 13, 17

You also are encouraged to ask me any questions about a number that you do not understand.

If you have a specific problem not on the master list, I will provide specific comments to you.

2/5 Intro (hook-passion-thesis)

5/10 sources in body paragraphs

0/5 conclusion with BIG plan to help population in thesis take listening seriously

4/5 visual graphics

Please note that an incorrect MLA format on the paper and Works Cited will deduct 5 points from the total score. A strong format and Works Cited adds up to 5 points to the total score. -5

  1. Relook at the WOW pp on Intros for content. Too abrupt, lack of flow. Lack of energy. Follow content pattern for first draft.

  1. Relook at the WOW pp on Intros for content. Too wordy. Lack of energy. Follow content pattern for first draft.

3. Identify a specific audience for thesis

4. Thesis does not follow draft format with if then.

5. Thesis is wordy and does not contain word listening.

6. Relook at the WOW PowerPoint on body paragraphs. Only author last name in sentence or in ( ).

7. Relook at the WOW PowerPoint on body paragraphs. In-text citation problems.

8. Be picky about the direct quotes you select. The use of “ “ is a precious commodity. Usually quotes that have numbers and specific places/names are a no-no for direct quotes. This kind of content can be rephrased and used much better as a paraphrase 99.5 percent of the time. Statistics and specific content is strong in persuasion, but you must frame in your own sentences. Think of looking for more clever or dynamic quotes to cite directly.

9. Can only have one ( ) at the end of a sentence in MLA. If you want to use this content you need to rephrase and only site the original source

10. This is an indirect source and needs a qtd. in ( ) format.

11. Never cite a source more than twice in a row. In most cases, you can trim the fat and merge the two sentences into one with one citation.

12. Where is the big bold action plan? What do you want your reading audience to do with the information? What suggestions do you have for them?

13. Follow conclusion opening in first draft as identified in WOW conclusion powerpoint.

14. Never saw you engaged with the listening. Your evaluative comments need more critical thinking.

15. Please be aware that you will have to take out every YOU or YOUR in your work except in a direct quote. This is a universal academic writing rule. The use of you/your does not create an appropriate tone.

16. Works Cited has MLA formatting errors. Please put your printed out copy beside the sample MLA Works Cited page and identify what does not match. If you are having technology problems, it is your responsibility to contact IT, the Geeks, or a friend for help..

17. Citations on Works Cited have errors. Recheck content and form.

Go back to Week 5 and look at what types of sources each article. Then, go to the given link for Columbia College and follow the pattern exactly.

18. Please note that the assignment asks students to post a PDF to avoid problems with margin and spacing issues.

19. Never use words like quote, author, article or article title in sentences.

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