The Evolution of Unionized Labor in the U.S.


After reading and watching the videos on Labor Movement (History Channel) (Links to an external site.) you will have a deeper understanding of the progression of unionized labor. Create a video that articulates the evolution of unions from their historical past to their present day function.

The Origins (the early 1800s and prior)

STEP 1: conduct research to identify at least two scholarly sources pertaining to your assignment.

STEP 2: Summarize the identified sources by creating a 3-5 minute PowerPoint® video presentation that highlights key events from your assigned time-frame. Please be sure to speak to the following:

  • Historical events that influenced unions and the labor movement during your specified time-frame

  • Key figures that impacted the labor movement during your assigned time-frame

  • Key legislation that was passed during your specified time-frame

  • Any opposition to or challenges experienced by those working to advance the labor movement.



Your video should be creative and leverage the technology of PowerPoint®. Include sound effects, intro/outro music, or other features to personalize your video.


Write a paper summarizing your video. In 500 words using current APA format, address the key points from the following eras:

  • The Origins (the early 1800s and prior)


  • Historical events that influenced unions and the labor movement during your specified time-frame

  • Key figures that impacted the labor movement during your assigned time-frame

  • Key legislation that was passed during your specified time-frame

  • Any opposition to or challenges experienced by those working to advance the labor movement.

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