Complete CellBio Study Guide

  1. What are the structural and functional differences between DNA and RNA?

Table 1. Comparison of DNA and RNA.



a.    Full name

b.    Nucleotide components

c.    Nitrogenous bases

d.    Structure

e.    Functions

f.     Location within cell

  1. List one human-infecting virus that has a DNA-based genome.

  2. What is a glycoprotein? Where are they found in human cells? List some of their functions.

  3. Hypothesize as to why coronaviruses may have glycoproteins in their membranes. What may be the purpose and function of these structures?

  4. Describe the structure of a phospholipid and a phospholipid bilayer. Indicate the polar and nonpolar parts of the structure for each.

  5. Describe how soap could chemically destroy a coronavirus virion. The following is a useful resource: Holmes, K. 2003. SARS-associated coronavirus. New England Journal of Medicine 348:1948–51. doi:10.1056/NEJMp030078.

Read pages 1-2 of the Cell Bio case study document to answer the following questions.

  1. The case study gives COVID-19 statistics, but they are now outdated. Provide updated statistics in the table below. You can easily Google this information but be sure that you are reading the correct data for today.

Table 1. Updated COVID-19 statistics.

a.       Today’s date

b.      Global cases (total)

c.       Global deaths (total)

d.      U.S. cases (total)

e.       U.S. deaths (total)

Use Figure 2 in the case study to answer the following questions about the probable SARS-CoV-2 replication cycle.

  1. How does the virus enter the cell?

  2. What replicates the viral RNA? Is this from the virus or the host cell?

  3. What translates the viral mRNA? Is this from the virus or the host cell?

  4. Explain how new virions are assembled, packaged, and released.

Watch THE “2019 NOVEL CORONAVIRUS” video (runtime 5:18) and answer the following questions.

  1. Fill in the table below with information about the known coronaviruses:

Table 2. Information about known coronaviruses.




a.       Full name

b.      Location first identified

c.       Year first identified

d.      Believed to be transmitted by what animal?

  1. Where does the name corona come from and what does it mean?

  2. What is an incubation period? What are the average and full incubation periods for SARS-CoV-2?

    • Incubation period definition:

    • Average incubation period:

    • Full range of incubation period:

  3. What percentage of people recover from the COVID-19 without needing special treatment?

  4. Fill-in the table below with information about SARS-CoV-2:

Table 3. Information about SARS-CoV-2.

a.       Diagnosis

b.      Treatment

c.       Prevention

d.      When to seek medical help

e.       Groups most at risk



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