2131 D Sections Quiz 2

2131 D Sections Quiz 2

• 1: Suppose that your measurement of the diameter of the pickup coil is too large
by 5% . How will this affect the estimate of µ? Show your calculation.
• 2: Suppose that your measurement of the length of the drive coil is too large by
5% . How will this affect the estimate of µ? Show your calculation, but you may
ignore the p1 + (D/L)
2) in the denominator of “C”.
• 3: In part B, after the experimenter adjusts the frequency, why is it important to
readjust the amplitude?
• 4: The experimenter records the following values for the important dimensions of
their apparatus:
– Length of solenoid: 10cm
– Number of turns in solenoid: 3000
– Diameter of pickup coil: 2cm
– Number of turns of pickup coil: 200
They proceed to apply 40mA of alternating current at a frequency of 500Hz,
and the amplutide of the signal from the pickup coil is 0.42V . Suppose that
the uncertainty in all length measurements is 1mm. Is the experiment working
properly? (Recall that µ is supposed to ≈ 4π × 10−7 in MKS units.)



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