Reading a Journal Article.

Whether this is the first time you’ve read a primary level, peer-reviewed journal article or the 20th time you’ve done so, this assignment is designed to get you thinking about the structure and formatting of an article (not so much what the research is actually about). The more you read an article with an eye toward it’s structure and formatting, the easier it will be to write your own APA style papers.

You will need to use your APA manual to refresh your memory about what some of these things are. That’s totally okay!

OBJECTIVES:I want to see that you can:

  • Identify narrative citations
  • Identify parenthetical citations
  • Identify a reference for a journal article with one or more authors
  • Identify a reference for book
  • Write reference entries for journal articles.
  • Quickly find the information you are looking for in a journal article.

INSTRUCTIONS:Do exactly as I ask for each question. Most of this assignment will actually ask you to copy and paste sentences or sections of sentences taken from the article you chose (or re-type in identical format if your computer won’t let you copy and paste from a pdf document). Don’t get creative! Use this document as the basis for your assignment. Insert the items I ask for after each task item. This assignment will probably take you about 3 hours to complete.

Read one of the 4 articles I saved in the folder called Articles from the Journal of College Counseling. Use the guidelines in the “How to Read a Journal” Article document. Then use the article you read to do the following tasks:

  • Copy and paste a parenthetical citation for a research article that has only 1 author. (Re-read pp. 261-263 to refresh your memory about parenthetical citations, narrative citations, and reference list entries.)
  • Copy and paste the reference for the citation you used for task 1. Take it from the reference list at the end of the article.
  • Copy and paste a narrative citation for a research article that had only 1 author. Don’t use the same article as you did for task 1.
  • Copy and paste the reference for the citation you used for task 3.
  • Copy and paste a parenthetical citation for a research article that had 2 authors.
  • Copy and paste a narrative citation for a research article that had 2 authors.
  • Can you change the order of the last names of your authors in your citations or references? Why or why not? (See pp. 24-25, Sections 1.21, 1.22)
  • Copy and paste the reference for the citation you used for task 6.
  • What is the rule for how to cite an article with 3 or more authors? (Look at p. 266 in the APA manual.)
  • Now look at the article you read and find a parenthetical citation for a research article that had 3 or more authors. Copy and paste it here.

NOTE:Prior to 2020 and the release of the 7th edition of the APA Manual, the rule for a citation for an article with 3 or more authors was to list all authors (up to 6) the first time you cite it.For every time after the first time, you would list the first author and then use et al. to indicate there are more. That is why the citation you copy and pasted for task 10 looks different from the rule given in your APA Manual. In papers you write for this class, you should use the rule listed in the 7th edition of the APA Manual.

  • Copy and paste a reference entry for a book.
  • In which section of a journal article would you find an explanation of who the participants in the research were? (Just name the section.)
  • In which section of a journal article would you find a summary of the findings, without the statistical analyses? (Just name the section.)
  • All journal articles should include a section (usually in the introduction) that serves as a review of the literature. This literature review is important because it helps the reader understand why the authors thought their research came to be necessary. In the article you read, find 3 sentences that are part of the literature review. Copy and paste them here. Be sure your sentences each have either a narrative citation or a parenthetical citation in them.
  • Finally, starting on a new page (you can insert a page break or just hit enter enough times to get to a new page), create a reference page that includes the references for the 4 journal articles you chose from to do this assignment. That is, you will have a page that looks like an official reference page (don’t worry about having a page number at the top, but do worry about the rest of the formatting issues shown on p. 66 of the sample student paper – including having a title for the page, using reverse indentation, and alphabetizing your 4 entries by the first author’s last names).



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