Annotated Bibliography of Video

  1. A counselor’s interviewing skills are critical to being able to competently assess clients.

  2. locate, view, select, and review online videos reflecting good and bad interviewing techniques, including but not limited to Motivational Interviewing.

    1. Locate and view videos that demonstrate clinical counseling assessment interviews (with real clients or role-play simulations). The videos should be counseling-related but do not specifically need to involve clients with substance use disorders.

    2. Select videos that demonstrate either good or bad (or effective or ineffective) interviewing and assessment skills.

    3. Write an annotated bibliography that describes and critically assesses each selected video in terms of its value as a teaching tool. Each video description should include:

    4. Complete reference in APA style;

    5. Three- to five-sentence description of the video;

    6. Substantial paragraph (minimum 150 words) describing how successfully the video taught effective or ineffective interview styles and the teaching purpose for which you think it might be appropriate.

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