Political Science

1. List and briefly discuss a. the basic characteristics and b. main elements of scientific theories, based on the Instructor’s Introduction and one of, or both, K.D. Allan (Chapter 1: Imagining Society ) and Appelrouth & Edles (STCoE, Ch. 1 or the Electronic Alternative), (50 points)

2. Briefly compare and contrast the ‘scientific’ and ‘interpretist’ perspectives on the nature of society(social ‘ontology’) and how it/they (society or social phenomena) can be studied and theorized, based on the Instructor’s Introduction and K.D. Allan). (50 points)

3. Briefly compare and contrast the ‘critical’ and ‘descriptive’(or detached and non-evaluative) perspectives on social/sociological theory, based on the Instructor’s Introduction and K.D. Allan (50 points)

4. Define and briefly discuss the concepts of “status”, “role”, “role-set” and “status-set”, according to R.K. Merton (RKM.3, esp. pp. 110-118) (50 points)6

5. Summarize and briefly critically evaluate R.K. Merton’s middle-range theory of the “role-set” (RKM.3 esp. pp. 110-118). (150 points)

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