Writing Question


a. Give a detailed definition of the differences between religious studies and theology, with an example of the type of questions each discipline might ask that is unique to that discipline, and

b. Give your thoughts on which discipline has more value and interest to you given your understanding of both disciplines.


a. Explain the general cultural and spiritual beliefs of animistic hunter-gatherer groups and give reasons why both the culture and spiritual beliefs changed for many in the advent of the archaic period.

b. Give your thoughts on the pros and cons the movement from animism to the more sophisticated hierarchical worldview of archaic religion. Was it overall an “advancement” for humanity or not?


a. Describe the concept of Brahman/Atman in Hindu thought during the axial age and contrast that with the concept of Anatman in Buddhism.

b. Without necessarily making a commitment to either religious tradition, which of these two traditions has a more convincing idea of the self to you, and why?


a. What are the differences between natural and special revelation in Christian theology?

b. Does the idea of universal natural revelation make sense to you? Why or why not?


a. Explain the differences between early churchmedieval16th century, and 20th century theology (who did theology, what historical and/or cultural circumstances are indicative of these periods)?

b. Is there a style of doing theology out of all of these listed that makes the most sense to you? Why or why not?


a. Explain Bernard Lonergan’s notion of how to do theology in modern times, and explain how Gustavo Gutiérrez’s liberation theology is an example of Lonergan’s method.

b. What do you think about liberation theology as a theological method? Is liberation theology’s starting point something that all theology ought to begin with, or would it only make sense in certain contexts?

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