Electrical Engineering Question

1. choose diode model available in LTSPICE and DigiKey which will satisfy all project requirements.Explain why this diode model will meet the design requirements.State the diode manufacturer, forward voltage specification, packaging optionand price per unitfrom the Digikey(https://www.digikey.com/)websiteIf you are ambitious, you may try to import additional diode model besides sticking to the default diode library.However, the new diode model has to be available for purchase in Digikey.Include a snapshot of the datasheet front page (which shows diode key specifications such as forward voltage drop, etc.).

2. Run DC sweep analysis(Hint: You may use the circuit shown, using arbitrarily small R<1Ωand sweep the DC voltage source values using SPICE parametric sweep function)to obtainthe diodecurrent-diodevoltage curve (with respect to a range of -10V to 10V). Compare the diode forward voltage simulated and the datasheet dataobtained earlier.

3) Perform analyticalhand analysis to estimate the peak current and peak output voltagebased on the diode forward voltage value extracted in task2 according to circuit shown below. The voltage source is a 10V amplitude-50Hz AC sinusoidal voltage source whereas R is set to 10kΩ. Run SPICE transient simulation and comparethe analytical solution with the simulation results obtained. Include your SPICE simulation schematic and waveforms which show the output voltage, diode current and load current.

4) Perform analytical hand analysis to estimate the peak current and peak output voltage based on the diode forward voltage value extracted in step 2 according to circuit shown below. The voltage source is a 10V amplitude-50Hz AC sinusoidal voltage source whereas R is set to 10kΩ. Run SPICE transientsimulation and compare the analytical solution with the simulation results obtained. Include your SPICE simulation schematic and waveforms which show the output voltage, individual diode current and load current.

5) Implementtwo rectifier circuits based ontopology from task3 andtask4 to convert 12Vamplitude-50Hz AC sinusoidal voltage source into DC voltage, respectivelywiththe associated filterto achieve output ripple voltage ofat most 100mV under10 kΩ resistor load.Show your hand calculation stepsand SPICE simulations that show output voltage(label peak and valleyvoltage), output ripple voltage, resistor load currentand diode current.Discuss the difference (if any) between your hand analysis prediction and SPICE simulation.Note the change in peak diode current in task5 vs task3 and 4.Peak diode current simulated must be smaller than 50% of the rated maximum diode current as shown in datasheet. Include datasheet screenshot as proof.

6) Choose one of the rectifiers built in task5,present your total bill of material andperformance summary of final design completed in task5, in Table I format as shown below. Explain your design strategy, component choice rationaleand attachrelated Digikeypricingsnapshotsto supportyour costclaim. When calculating your total cost, you may assume that youare building 2000 units of rectifier circuits in task5 so that you may get bulk discount price.Finally, estimate the printed circuit board (PCB)space required by all the components needed to construct the proposedcircuit.You may get the component PCB footprintinformation from the datasheet.

Foreach task, you have topresent your findings and answers. Attach the computer screenshots of SPICE simulation, component datasheet, Digikey websitein your report to prove that you have done the required simulationsand component survey.

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