Psychology question

Following the seven steps of EBP you will evaluate evidence and develop/add to guidelines so we can apply the evidence to practice. You will go through these steps as we have practiced during practical, for two disorders: migraine (Assignment 2). Assignment 2 each consist of the same steps. Both have a written part and a verbal examination (presentation).

For Assignment 2, you will receive one piece of evidence with your group that you will analyse on strength. In order to analyse the evidence we can use PICO and have a review of both the source and the level of the evidence.

In your written assignment 2, please answer the following questions:

  • Background of the study

  • PICO

  • Rapic Critical Appraisal method. (Appendix 1 and 2)

  • Brief explanation of each disorder

  • Prevalence of disorder

  • Sample/design

  • Rationale (the importance of the study/why do we need to conduct this study)

Can you identify the

  • Problem/ population/ patient – Intervention

  • Control group

  • Outcome?

“Rapid Critical Appraisal” involves three questions used to evaluate the usefulness of the study you are considering:

A). Are the results of the study valid? Are the research methods rigourous enough to ensure that the results properly represent the truth of the matter?

  • Random assignment to control/ treatment groups?

  • Characteristics of groups?

  • Validity and reliability of outcome measures?

B. What are the results and are they important?

  • In interventions did it work? Impact on outcomes?

  • Replicability for other clinicians?

  • Are the subjects and participants in the study similar to your own patients?

  • Do the benefits of the intervention outweigh any risks?

  • How feasible and cost effective would it be to carry out the same intervention?

  • Consider how your patients preferences and values fit with this style of intervention.

C. Will the results help me care for my patients?

Write a report on your selected piece of evidence answering the questions in appendix 1 and/or 2. Some questions in the appendix might not be applicable to your article, if not, explain why not.

  • Amount of words: 800

  • Font size: Times New Roman 12pt

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