Biology Question

This lab exam covers materials in Lab 1 (Scientific Inquiry), Lab 2 (Population Genetics), Lab 3 (Phylogeny), Lab 4 (Bacteria), Lab 5 (Protists), Lab 6 (Fungi), and Lab 7 (Plant Diversity).

  • The exam will have 50 questions, which will be administered one at a time. You will be given 70 minutes to complete the exam.

  • I will take this exam using the HonorLock exam proctoring program.

  • You will be given questions one at a time. Once you submit your exam, you will be unable to go back and re-take it, so please chose your answers carefully.

  • You will have to complete the exam in one sitting (i.e. you cannot save it and come back to it later).

  • No headphones are allowed while taking the exam.

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