Global Studies Question

disclaimer: thorughly need to read 10 chapters. here’s a dropbox link of the assigned readings needed:…

The paper should be based primarily on the readings, but you may use additional sources. In particular, you must discuss AT LEAST one contemporary article from a news outlet. You must also engage with the substantive arguments of a minimum of SIX of the course readings.

The goal of this project is to engage one of the debates, tensions, or controversial topics that we have encountered in this course (see list of possible topics below). Your task is to analyze one of these complex or controversial issues, showing that you understand different perspectives or positions in the debate. You will need to use specific authors’ arguments and central points to demonstrate the contours or sides of the debate. The central goal is to demonstrate an understanding of the different positions in the debate, but YOU should also take a position on the debate.

In taking a position, you do not necessarily have to agree with “one side.” In fact, your paper might work to re-orient how we understand the problem or the different perspectives on your chosen debate. For example, if the paper were on “development,” you might suggest that the debate is not simply about being in favor of (pro) or against (anti) development, but that we must recognize that the dominant ideas of development have made finding solutions to human “wellbeing” outside of narrowly defined economic prescriptions almost impossible. Alternatively, you might end up suggesting that a supposed debate really doesn’t include radically different positions. Or you might argue that while several authors or theoretical approaches appear to differ on some points, they all miss an essential critique of globalization that needs to be taken seriously.

A good paper will not simply be a report on a situation or argue for a position but will:

  • a) identify an important topic and question, perhaps exemplified by a case

  • b) articulate the problem and debate, identifying diverse positions

  • c) be able to explain why/how people are positioned so differently

  • d) take a position and anticipate possible critiques to your argument.


  • Free Trade v. Fair Trade

Important Notes:

  • Take care not to just express your feelings alone. Instead, demonstrate the debate/controversy based on your informed use of course concepts and theories.

  • State your topic and how you will address it in the opening paragraph of your essay answer. Indicate clearly what YOUR position is (i.e., say something like “In this essay, I will demonstrate/argue….”). Use evidence from the course material to support your position.

  • Compare and contrast the major theoretical approaches to the understanding of your chosen topic and critique the arguments.

  • Use the works of AT LEAST SIX assigned course readings, draw on their specific arguments and examples, and cite them appropriately.

  • Use AT LEAST one contemporary news source on your topic and cite it appropriately.

  • You can use any citation style. Be clear and consistent.

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