Each of the following questions can be answered with a single name or a single term, or at most a few words or a short sentence. There is no need for long or elaborate answers here. Type your response directly after the question.

  1. The city on the island of Crete was home to the fables Palace of Minos.

  1. What adjective is used to describe the ritual “mysteries” that celebrated the goddess Demeter and the changing of the seasons? (ONE BONUS POINT for naming the Athenian soldier-statesman who was accused of profaning these mysteries on the eve of the campaign against Syracuse.)

  1. What name was given to the “rearing” system devised for physically fit boys who were citizens of Sparta?

  1. What ruler briefly flourished as tyrant in Athens (although his sons did not) before the establishment of democracy there?

  1. The outcome of the First Persian War was decided almost solely by this pivotal battle.

  1. To slow down enemy invaders during the Second Persian War, a Spartan-led force fought almost to the last man at this spot? (ONE BONUS POINT for providing the nickname of the elite Persian unit the Greeks encountered here.)

  1. As he rose to power in Athens, Pericles defeated and successfully ostracized this more traditionally-minded politician and soldier? (ONE BONUS POINT for naming the ally of Pericles who was murdered by pro-oligarchic forces, and whose democratic reforms Pericles soon put into place.)

  1. During the lead-up to the Peloponnesian War, which city-state clashed MOST DIRECTLY with Athens over hotspots like Megara and Corcyra?

  1. Once the Peloponnesian War got under way, what recently-constructed defenses did Athens rely upon as a central part of Pericles’s strategy for the conflict? (ONE BONUS POINT for naming the event that unexpectedly threw Pericles’s clever plans into complete disarray.)

  1. What neutral island did the Athenians infamously victimize during the so-called Peace of Nicias? (ONE BONUS POINT for naming the play most likely written in response to this event.)

  1. Plato outlined his political philosophy most famously and most thoroughly in which work?

  1. Which Greek playwright used the myth of Orestes and his parents to ponder moral quandaries and the rise of the rule of law?

  1. Who transformed the Macedonian army into a complex fighting force operating according to the principle of combined arms?



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