Distribution of Sample Proportions

Progress Check

Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can:

  • Calculate the Z-score for a sample proportion.

  • Use probability to interpret the Z-score for a sample proportion.

  • Identify usual and unusual sample proportions in a sampling distribution.

Learn by Doing

Use the rubric at the bottom of this page as a guide for completing this assignment.


Submit your work:

  • Commit a good-faith effort to address all items in the Prompt section below.

Complete your assigned peer reviews:

  • After you submit your initial good-faith attempt, continue to the ANSWER(S) page and review your instructor’s response. But please do not submit your corrected work yet.

  • Within three days after the due date, return to this assignment and complete your assigned peer reviews (directions (Links to an external site.)).

Submit your corrected work:

  • We all learn from mistakes (our own and our classmates’ mistakes). So please do not immediately correct your own mistakes. If possible, wait until you receive feedback from at least one of your peers.

  • If necessary, correct your work and resubmit the entire assignment. Your instructor will only review and grade your most recent submission, so please do not refer to a previous submission.


In the 2008 presidential election, newspapers reported that Obama received 40% of the white male vote. If this is true, what is the probability that a random sample of 200 white male voters had less than 35% voting for Obama?

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