CS 230 Project Software Design

CS 230 Project Software Design


Fill in all bracketed information on page one (the cover page), in the Document Revision History table, and below each header. Under each header, remove the bracketed prompt and write your own paragraph response covering the indicated information.

Executive Summary

<Write a summary to introduce the software design problem and present a solution. Be sure to provide the client with any critical information they must know in order to proceed with the process you are proposing.>

Design Constraints

<Identify the design constraints for developing the game application in a web-based distributed environment and explain the implications of the design constraints on application development.>

System Architecture View

Please note: There is nothing required here for these projects, but this section serves as a reminder that describing the system and subsystem architecture present in the application, including physical components or tiers, may be required for other projects. A logical topology of the communication and storage aspects is also necessary to understand the overall architecture and should be provided.

Domain Model 

<Describe the UML class diagram provided below. Explain how the classes relate to each other. Identify any object-oriented programming principles that are demonstrated in the diagram and how they are used to fulfill the software requirements efficiently.>




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