Writing question

This assignment will help you to identify social issues in your community that may need advocacy for change. In this assignment, you will identify the elements of the issue, and advocate for your community by writing a letter to an elected official explaining why this is an issue and what changes are needed.

Choose a social welfare issue discussed in a previous week of this class.

Select an elected official to whom you will address your letter. You may choose a local, regional, state, or federal official.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word persuasive letter to an elected official to advocate for action on your chosen social welfare issue.

Include the following in your letter:

  • A brief personal introduction and explanation of why you are concerned with social welfare

  • The nature and history of the social welfare issue you have selected, and an explanation of the need for change

  • The relevance of the social welfare issue to the official’s constituents

  • A description of the actions you have taken to advocate for this issue

  • A suggestion about how the official can take action on the issue, such as voting on a particular bill or allocating funds

  • Supporting information that explains why such an action should be taken and how it will benefit the public

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