Data Analytics question

Q1. a) Which male celebrity has the highest requested salary? b) Which female celebrity has the highest
requested salary? Both queries Q1a and Q1b should result in a single row showing the male/female
celebrity with the highest salary (10pts)
Q2. Calculate a new measure for each celebrity called overall popularity ranking. The overall popularity
ranking measure is the result of combining each of the four ranking measures weighted as follows:
Rank Measure Weight
TV/Radio Rank 40%
Press Rank 20%
Marketability Rank 30%
Social Rank 10%
Based on overall popularity ranking, which celebrity is most popular? Remember, a rank of 1 is the
highest ranking indicating the most popular while 100 is the lowest ranking indicating the least
popular. Your query should result in a single row showing the celebrity that is most popular based on
the overall popularity ranking measure. (10pts)
Q3. a) What is the overall average requested celebrity salary? b) How many celebrities ask for an above
average salary? Both queries Q3a and Q3b should result in a single number answer. (10pts)
Q4. What is the average requested salary by male celebrities? How many male celebrities ask for a below
average salary? Both queries Q4a and Q4b should result in a single number answer. (10pts)
Q5. Is there a difference between the average marketability rank across different category level celebrities
(i.e. A-level, B-level, C-level)? Your result should show average marketability rank by category level.
Q6. Is there a difference in average salary between male and female celebrities? Your query should show
average celebrity salary by gender. (10pts)



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