Political Science Question

I will mention the requirements below, however this is a study guide only. The actual questions will be sent to the tutor once I am able to get them. There are a total of 4 questions. Each questions requires a paragraph long answer. ALSO, when I receive the actual questions, it will be a TIMED assignment, which will be 120 minutes only.

Study Guide: Specifically, Materials within the coverage.

–All of Phase V (Substantive Due Process)

*Selective v. Total Incorporation of Bill of Rights; *Overbreadth Analysis of Speech regulation; *Obscenity, Adult Pornography and Offensive Speech affecting Adults; *Fighting Words; *Establishment Clause limits on government support of prayer and other religious practices; *Strict Scrutiny under Lukumi Babaluundefined*“Hybrid Rights” Exception to Smithundefined*Establishment Clause limits on government support of prayer and other religious practices; *Establishment-Clause “Purpose” Approach; *Establishment-Clause “Accomodationist/Non-Preferential” Approach; *Establishment Clause Analysis in Bladensburg “Peace Cross” decision]

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