Write one relational DBMS model and two NoSQL model

module introduced you to at least seven current commercial database

systems.These include both relational and “NoSQL” databases.In this

assignment you will explore three of these in detail.

Research three current database products (DBMSs).One should be based

on the relational model, and two should use different genres of NoSQL model.

Thus, you will have three different genres in total.

For each of the three systems devise a real-world relevant case study where

the particular DBMS would find an application.You will have three case

studies, one for each of your chosen DBMSs. The case studies should be

systems development projects following a real-world example where large

amounts of data would be involved.

You should explain clearly why each specific DBMS would be the best for its

case study and, in the case of a NoSQL solution, why a DBMS based on theundefined

relational model would not be the best choice.

You may base your report on any DBMS that is available to you (if in doubt,

consult the module tutor).You do not need to have a working installation of

any DBMS (although it might help you explore the system), and there is no

need to develop any implementation of your case study.

You should submit a report of approximately 1500 words and submit it as

PDF. Do not submit any other format, and do not attempt to compress the file

(if you do either, you will lose presentation marks).

NOTE: that the word limit is tight.There is no need to describe the history or

other background of any of the DBMSs (;

you should focus on their applications and specifically the case studies

.500 words for each of them.(postgresql,mongos and neo4j) GIVE a real life scenario where you will use them and which one you prefere to use amongs the three and why you prefer it.

NOTE:NOT MORE THAN 500 WORDS EACH. making it a total of 1500 words

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