Caravan Analogy Traceroute

Perform a traceroute to at three different hours of the day. Traceroute is a tool that measures round-trip delays to every intermediate router toward the final destination. The measurement to each router and the final destination contains three round-trip delays. (Command: traceroute in Linux/Mac; tracert in DOS)

  1. (5 pt.) Obtain screenshots for every traceroute and attach them with the submitted document. Print the current date and time before running traceroute. To print date and time, use: “date” in Linux and Mac, “echo %DATE% %TIME%” in DOS.

  2. (5 pt.) Find the average and standard deviation of the end-to-end round-trip delays at each of the three hours. The “end-to-end” round-trip delay stands for the round-trip time between the source (your machine) and the destination (the server). Fill out the following table. Show the calculation.



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