

Section 1: Please choose 6 words from the list of 10 and make 2 sentences using 2 different forms of the word. You need to also identify the part of speech of each vocabulary word in each sentence. For example:

Hypothesis:1. A. The teacher wrote the hypothesis(noun) on the black board.

B. It’s ok to make up a hypothetical(adjective) story when trying to catch the reader’s

attention at the beginning of your essay.

Section 2: Read each sentence and circle if the vocabulary word is used correctly or incorrectly. If you think that the vocabulary word is used incorrectly, explain why by writing meaning or p.o.s. (part of speech) in the blank. Each answer is worth one point.

  • The scientist’s estimated was 2.5 billion years old.
  • There was an immense hole in the ground.
  • It is vary hot in the summertime here.
  • He has a dominant personality.
  • His concepts about life are strange.
  • You need to use quota marks in the story.
  • Many people immigrant to the U.S.
  • The family has Japanese heritage.
  • It is a significant to read.

correct incorrect (P.O.S.)incorrect (meaning)

correctincorrect (P.O.S.)incorrect (meaning)

correctincorrect (P.O.S.)incorrect (meaning)

correctincorrect (P.O.S.)incorrect (meaning)

correctincorrect (P.O.S.)incorrect (meaning)

correctincorrect (P.O.S.)incorrect (meaning)

correctincorrect (P.O.S.)incorrect (meaning)

correctincorrect (P.O.S.)incorrect (meaning)

correctincorrect (P.O.S.)incorrect (meaning)


Section 3: I will give you 10 words which you will need to make your own sentence.

Grammar- Part 2

Section 1: Choose the correct verb (by circling it) that matches what the sentence is saying.

Almost every part of the world (had experienced/will experience/has experienced) an earthquake before, and almost every part of the world (will experience/ will be experiencing/have experienced) earthquakes in the future. Since the ancient Chinese (have begun/had been beginning/began) to keep records thousands of years ago, more than 13 million earthquakes occurred around the world.

What (causes/caused/will cause) earthquakes? Throughout history, different cultures (were developing/have developed/have been developing) stories to explain these violent earth movements. Nowadays, although scientists (know/have known/are knowing) more about the causes of earthquakes, they still can’t prevent the terrible damage.

One of the strongest quakes of the 20th century (had been happening/has happened/happened) in Anchorage, Alaska, on March 24, 1964, at about six o’clock in the evening. That evening, when the earthquake hit, many families (were eating/ate/had eating) dinner. People in the city (find/found/were finding) themselves in the dark because most of the lights in the city went out when the earthquake (had occurred/had been occurring/occurred). Many people (were died/were dying/died) instantly in the Alaska earthquake when tall buildings (collapsed/will collapse/had been collapsing) and thousands of pounds of brick and concrete fell on them.

Section 2—Verb Tenses.These will be questions about everyday life.

Write one complete sentence about each topic using the tense given.Use the time markers which are in each description. Each sentence is worth two points.

  • Something you do every morning (use simple present)
  • Something you will do when you graduate (use simple future)



Section 3 Phrases & Clauses- Please identify the underlined part of the seentence as a phrase or independent clause or dependent clause. (6 points total)



  • I went to the store because I needed some fruit and lunch meat.
  • They wanted to go to the birthday party, but they didn’t have enough time.
  • She was hiding under the table.
  • They were playing in the swimming pool.


PhraseIndendent clauseDependent clause




PhraseIndendent clauseDependent clause


PhraseIndendent clauseDependent clause




PhraseIndendent clauseDependent clause




Section 4—Sentence Types. Write sentences following the directions in parentheses. All of your sentences must be related to information about the American Ways chapter or our class discussions. Punctuation counts. Each sentence is worth two points.

Example: (compound/for) The number of Hispanics coming to the U.S. dropped recently, for the

economy was poor & it was harder to come into the U.S.

  • (compound sentence/so)
  • (compound sentence/yet)
  • (compound sentence/however)
  • (compound sentence/ as a result)
  • (compound sentence/ in fact)
  • ______________________________________________________________________________
  • (compound sentence/moreover)








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