HIST 2620 Section 004 – United States History Since 1865


The discussion responses you submit for each Discussion Post should all follow the same format and style. These should be 250-350 words, and are meant to be written in a “blog style,” as opposed to more formal writing. The intention behind this is to map the process of learning and analyzing history–therefore it should have a tone of personal reflection in addition to analysis. Reflect on the content you’ve learned in this unit. Then, consider your position/experience and how you relate to this material (yes–you can use first-person). Though there is an overall informal tone to these posts, your answers should employ critical thinking (as opposed to regurgitating material) and effectively apply reading and media sources from the unit’s module within your overall analysis. Include several specifics from course material, offering really simplistic citations in parentheses such as: (name of textbook chapter), (name of primary source), (name of historian video).


The 1920s was a time of great change. The American identity was destabilized, and especially marginalized Americans took this opportunity to redefine themselves and their culture in American society. As change continued, tensions mounted. Drawing on this unit’s material, write a 250-350 word post considering the below questions in your response.


  1. How did both women and African Americans attempt to redefine themselves in the 1920s?
  2. How did various groups push back against these changes?
  3. Why is it significant to appreciate both the social changes occurring at that time in American history as well as the protests to change?


Grading Rubric
100 Response is turned in on time, meets the length requirement, makes several references to course material, answers all prompt questions, and offer a critical analysis of the prompt material.
80 Response is turned in on time, but lacks one of the following: the length requirement, several references to course material, answers to all prompt questions, and a critical analysis of the prompt material.
60 Response is on time but lacks two of the following: the length requirement, several references to course material, answers to all prompt questions, and a critical analysis of the prompt material.
40 Response is late and lacks three of the following: the length requirement, several references to course material, answers to all prompt questions, and a critical analysis of the prompt material.
20 Response is late and lacks proper length, analysis of subject, and references to course materials.
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