Assessment #10
Question 1
Investigators evaluated the effect of education (E1=1 if college or more, E2=1 ifMasters degree or more, E1=E2=0 if less than college), Mother’s Education (M=1 ifcollege or more, 0 otherwise), and age (A, continuous, in years) on employmentstatus (yes/no) using the following Logistic regression model:
Logit= a + B1*E1+B2*E2 + B3*A + B4*M + B5*A*M
SAS was used to create the following estimates:
a= -2, B1=0.2, B2=0.4, B3=0.1, B4=0.3, B5=0.02.
Calculate the odds that a 25 year old with just a college degree whose mother had acollege degree is employed. Enter the odds to three decimal places.
Question 2
For the 25 year old above, with just a college degree whose mother had a collegedegree, calculate the probability of being employed. Enter the probability to threedecimal places.
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Question 3
In the example from question 1, calculate the odds of having a job for someone with acollege degree versus less than college after adjusting for age and maternaleducation. Calculate to 3
places beyond the decimal point.
Question 4
For someone who is 25 years old and adjusting for education, calculate the odds ratioof being employed for someone whose mother had a college degree versus a motherwho had a high school degree. Calculate the odds ratio to 3 places beyond thedecimal point.
Question 5
For someone who is 35 years old and adjusting for education, calculate the odds ratioof being employed for someone whose mother had a college degree versus a motherwho had a high school degree. Calculate the odds ratio to 3 places beyond thedecimal point.
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Question 6
For 35 year olds who have mothers has a high school education, calculate the oddsof employment for those with a master’s degree versus the odds of employment forthose with a college degree. Calculate the odds ratio to 3 places beyond the decimalpoint.
Question 7
For those who are college educated and have a mother that is college educated, theodds of employment increase by what percent with an increase of ten years in age? Enter the answer to two places beyond the decimal place.
Question 8
The Akaike Information Criterion in relation to -2 times the log-likelihood is similar tothe adjusted r-square in relation to the r-square value in that it adjusts for the numberof parameters to be estimated in the model.
Question 9
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Quiz saved at 9:06am
substantially greater than
relatively equal to
substantially different than
substantially less than
When comparing models for the response that include different sets of covariates, wewould choose the model with the set of covariates that gives an AIC that is_________________ the AIC’s of the other models.
Question 10
Examine whether the Akaike Information Criterion decreases
See if the significance level of the parameter of interest changes when the confounder isadded to the model
Examine whether the parameter of interest changes by more than 10% when adding theconfounder
Test whether the the potential confounder is significant at the 0.20 alpha level