World Civilizations_102


Question 1: Citation practice. [5 points]


Imagine that I want to quote the historian Douglas Strausand and his book about the three Islamic ‘gunpowder’ empires. The quote comes from page 11: Link to book.


This is the sentence in my essay with the quotation:


According to Douglas Strausand, “The three empires shared a common heritage and a common dilemma.”1


The quotation marks “ “ show which words I am quoting.  In an essay, the little number 1 would lead to a footnote at the end of the document that gives the original source.


Write the end-of-page citation that would accompany this footnote in the box below:




How to write your citation:

Write the author’s name.

Then a comma.

Then a space.

Then, write the title of the book in italics. Capitalise all important words.

After the book title, enter a space (no comma). Then, open brackets: [ ( ]

After the bracket type the city of publication.

Then, a colon [ : ]

Then a space [ ].

Then type the publishing company, followed by a comma.

After the comma, add a space [ ]. Then, write the publication year. Then, close brackets [ ) ].

After the brackets, put a comma. Then, add a space. Then, write the page number.

Finally, add a full stop [ . ].


1.       Frederick Cooper, Africa since 1940 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 20-23.



Question 2: Primary source analysis (image). [10 points]


Choose ONE of the following images: 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d (see below).


Answer two questions:

·         Explain at least TWO aspects of the historical context that help us to understand this picture [4 points].

·         What does this picture tell us about this historical period? List at least THREE things [6 points]

[2a] India

Jahangir preferring Sufi shaikhs over King James I of England. Picture by Bichitr (1620s).

Jahangir was a Mughal Emperor (r. 1605-1627). See page 1152 of the textbook for more information.


Hints: Who are the people in the left of the picture? What does this say about Jahangir’s authority and what he wanted people to know that he valued? Look at the small children with wings – what art styles do you think have influenced these images?

[2b] Europe

George Walker, The Costume of Yorkshire: women spinning (1814).

This is an image of pre-industrial labour.


Hints: Who is working in this picture and where are they working? What powered pre-industrial manufacturing, and how did that change in this period? What does this picture tell us about gender and pre-industrial labour?




[2c] Independence in the Americas

Proclamation and oath of independence of Chile. Painting by Pedro Subercaseaux from 1945 of events in 1818. Link:

Hints: What sort of people appear in the picture (multiple answers)? What does this tell us about the different sources of legitimacy that were claimed by the new country?  What about the gender of the people in the picture?


[2d] United States ‘Manifest Destiny’

John Gast, American Progress. Painting, 1872. Link:

Hints: What events does this painting try to summarise? What do each of the scenes in the image tell us? What did the USA believe about itself at this time, according to this painting? Would we have the same beliefs and values today?


[2e] China’s ‘Century of Humiliation’

The Situation in the Far East by Tse Tsan-tai (1899). This is a political cartoon by an anti-Qing activist.


Hints: What is the significance of the animals in this picture? What does this say about foreign powers in China? Is there a difference between how China and Japan are presented? What does this say about China’s people and its rulers?



Question 3: Short essay [15 points]
Answer ONE of these essay questions:


1.      How did Portuguese ‘discoveries’ of regions east of Africa shape world history?

2.      How have links between the Arab World and Africa been important for the history of these two regions? Examine any period after 1500.

3.      Compare and contrast TWO revolutions in history since 1500. Describe similarities and/or differences.

4.      Examine the impacts of industrialisation on society in ONE region of the world since 1750.

5.      Why did nationalism become important in some regions of the world during the nineteenth century?

6.      Examine the links between economics and politics in ONE region of the world. You can focus on any period between 1500 and 1939.

7.      Discuss the links between trade and imperialism in ONE region of the world. You can focus on any period between 1500 and 1939.

8.      Why were societies after 1918 unable to avoid a Second World War in 1939? Discuss at least two countries.

9.      How do you account for the dramatic rise of communism in the twentieth century? Discuss at least two countries.


Your essay should do the following:

·         In your introduction, you should answer the essay question. This is the thesis statement.

·         At least three body paragraphs. Body paragraphs can be short, but you should include at least THREE historical examples/evidence for your argument in the essay.

·         You need to explain each example to (1) show that you understand the example and your historical period, and (2) to explain why you think it is important for the essay question.

·         A short conclusion (1-2 sentences).


Minimum 300 words. The most important thing is not the word count, but to follow the instructions.



·         The questions are very general. You can make your answer more specific. Instead of discussing a region, you can discuss a country. You can also limit your answer to a specific time period.

·         Be specific, not vague. Give as much evidence as you can to support your arguments.

·         It is not enough to rely on the lectures and the slide shows. You should choose your topic, and do more research by yourself.

·         Start this assignment EARLY.

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