Clinical Field Experience A: Language Focus
Clinical Field Experience A: Language Focus
Grade Level: Teacher Name: Date of Observation:
Summary of your observation (Summary should be about 250 words):
Teacher Interview: Forms and Functions of Language. Ask your mentor teacher the following questions and record their responses below.
1.How do you address language form (vocabulary, grammar, and discourse specific to a particular content area) and language function (the purposes for communication/use of language in academic and social contexts) in your classroom?
- How do you address the relationship between verbal and written expression in your classroom?
- What strategies do you implement to support the various language needs of ELLs?
- How do you provide ELLs with content area instruction that meets grade level expectations, while supporting their English language development?
Think of 2 more questions to ask your mentor teacher regarding the practices they use with their EL students in the classroom. Put those questions below with their answers.