tele-medicine delivery systems
Research tele-medicine delivery systems and select one that is appropriate for a specific healthcare organization. Your paper will include the following and will be presented in the final Week 8 live class as though you were presenting the option to the organization’s leadership for their approval:
- Reasoning and justification for the use of tele-medicine technologies
- Networking infrastructure that must be in place to support tele-medicine
- Regulations that exist governing tele-medicine and healthcare networks
- Plans to secure healthcare data in transmission over the network
- Plans for managing network uptime and redundancy
- Selection of a tele-medicine delivery system that meets the needs of the organization, including at least two others you have researched and why they were not selected. Write 6-8 APA-formatted page.
Question 2: Presentation
Based on this Assessment , present your technical summary and system selection. Your presentation should be at least 8-10 slides and last approximately 10-12 minutes, depending on the number of students in the class and time available. Presentations will be given as though to the organization’s leadership for their review and approval.