MCB 252 Bradford assay Data analysis

Data Analysis (100 points total):

A) Presentation of Data/Results (20 points total)

  • Include all actual raw data sets from your experiment. Examples include charts, graphs, gel pictures, blots, and/or fluorescence images. Properly label all data sets. (20 points)

Make sure to title each piece of data and include proper labels or identification keys.

Your 20 points for data sets will be graded as follows:

  • 16-20 pts. – All results are presented, clearly labeled, and separated into sub-areas with detailed and accurate data. It may include charts, graphs and/or images.
  • 11-15 pts. – All results are presented, clearly labeled and separated with few data inaccuracies. It may include charts, graphs and/or images.
  • 6-10 pts. – Most results are presented, haphazardly labeled with several inaccuracies.
  • 1-5 pts. – Some results are presented, unlabeled with a poor quality appearance.
  • 0 pts. – The results are missing.

B) Explanation of Data/Results (30 points total)

  • Text description of obtained results. (15 points total)

    • Explain how you generated your standard curve. (5 points)

    • Explain how your calculated your dilution factors. (5 points)

    • Explain how you calculated your sample protein concentration. (5 points)

  • Description of obtained results vs. expected results. (3 points)

  • Explanation of obtained results. Why did you get these results? Use scientific reasons to explain all of your data. (10 points)

  • How would you improve your protocol if you repeated your experiment? (2 points)

C) Discussion (40 points total)

  • What was the goal of this experiment? (5 points)

  • Write a brief summary supporting or refuting your hypothesis from your protocol. (10 points)

  • What controls were used in the experiment? (2 points) Did the controls work? Explain. (3 points)

  • Write a brief summary about what you can conclude from the data/results. (15 points)

  • Briefly describe your next experiment and the questions that it will answer about your protein sample. (5 points)

Your 15 points for your discussion summary will be graded as follows:

  • 14-15 pts. – All results are clearly interpreted, hypotheses are made and evaluated for the obtained results and their deviation from the “expected” results, if necessary; all experimental questions are answered thoughtfully and completely. Overall, the writing is concise, complete and of outstanding quality grammatically. There is a good synthesis of the experiment and the results, particularly in the scope of a larger context.
  • 11-13 pts. – All results are clearly interpreted, hypotheses are made and evaluated for the obtained results and their deviation from the “expected” results, if necessary; all experimental questions are answered thoughtfully and completely. Overall, the writing is concise, complete and of high quality grammatically. The synthesis of the experiment and the results are limited to the context of the experiment.
  • 8-10 pts. – Most results are addressed, though hypotheses for unexpected results are weak and not fully explored; experimental questions are not answered with well-formulated or complete answers. The writing is not concise or complete and is of good quality.
  • 6-9 pts. – Most results are addressed; hypotheses for unexpected results are missing; experimental questions are not adequately answered. The writing is of fair quality. The synthesis of the experiment is limited to the experiment.
  • 3-5 pts. – Some results are addresses; hypotheses for unexpected results are missing; experimental questions are not answered. The writing is of poor quality. Synthesizing thoughts about the experiment and its context are absent.
  • 1-2 pts. – Results are acknowledged; hypotheses are missing; experimental questions are unanswered. The writing is of poor quality and synthesizing thoughts are missing.
  • 0 pts. – The results are missing.



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